
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ballard Design Inspired Wooden Letters Tutorial

I am obsessed with letters and monograms. For me, they represent a clean and classic look. So, when I saw Ballard Designs was selling a set of 3 typesetter plaques, I was smitten.

The only problem, the price...$75. I don't have $75 to spend on a couple of letters. What I do have is scrap wood, a band saw and a vision.

To the computer I went, searching for fonts and deciding on sizes. When I found what I liked, I printed it out and used it as a template to make my own letters.

After tracing my letter onto a piece of scrap wood, to the band saw I went. I've been known to work the band saw once or twice...OK, so it was only once. That's me making an A. I classify my one attempt at the band saw as a success simply because I finished with all my fingers still intact.

My husband, nervous I might maim myself, took over the process. He enjoyed my project enough that he may have gotten a little carried away.

With your letters cut, there are only a few steps left. First, you'll want to sand any rough edges to give it a more polished look. Next, you'll want to select a color to finish it in. For mine, I used white spray paint from Home Depot. Home Depot has the best prices on spray paint, $3 a can. Just be prepared, they will card you, so be on your best behavior!

The final step, decide where to display them. I decided, to show off my monograms by my wedding pictures. Transforming my wall from this...

To this..Tada!

If you are inspired to make your own monograms, I hope this tutorial helps saves you some money and doesn't cost you any fingers.

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