
Monday, January 16, 2012

Fabric Flower Corsage or Barrette

A perfect accessory for little girls...

And big girls too.

Want to make one? Gather the following supplies:

Scrap Fabric *I used silk for the cream flower, cotton for the grey flower and polyester blend for the purple flowers
Scrap piece of felt
Needle and thread

Cut out roughly 20-30 circles {about 3 inches in diameter}. They do not need to be perfect, as you can see from the circle I cut below.

Fold your circle into fourths and cut the sides {cut down towards the center but not all the way through}.

When still folded in fourths, cut the corners so they take a rounded appearance.

Then, unfold your fourth of a circle and it should look like a flower.

Repeat 20-30 times.

Attach a round piece of felt {approximately 1 inch in diameter} to the back center of one flower.

Pinching your next flower petal closed

Start to sew it to the front of your flower, starting in the center.

Repeat with the rest of the flower petals, working from the center out, adding enough to get the size and shape you want your corsage to be. When completed, add a pin to the back and start to accessorize.

Though I love the cream colored corsage, my favorite is the purple corsage. The big difference between the cream corsage and the purple corsage, the material. The cream corsage was made out of silk, the purple was made out of a polyester blend.

The edges of polyester blend can be seared to give your flower a more realistic organic shape. The trick is to bring the polyester blend close to the flame NOT into the flame. The heat from the flame will melt the edges of the polyester.

I used this technique in my very first post for a Flower Brooch and or Barrette Tutorial. You can see the difference between the silk flowers {which you can NOT sear, it will burn, not sear} and the polyester flowers.

This really is a quick and fun afternoon craft. Have fun accessorizing!

*If you do decide to sear your flowers, use great care and attention to detail. Do NOT try and sear cotton or silk fabric. I have only had success in searing a polyester blend.


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