
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So many reasons to celebrate

Last week, I got the sweetest note and it went something like this...

Blushing, I couldn't even believe it, I had to check out GFC to see if it could possibly be true.

Back in February, I had 22 followers. I didn't even list my followers on my blog because I had so few. But, then I realized, it was silly not to list my followers, even if I only have 22, I am still proud of the 22 I have.

Well, now, it turns out I am proud of the 100 followers I have. So, thank you to each and every one of you that visits While Wearing Heels, that leaves sweet and encouraging feedback and that have pinned any of my tutorials. I am humbled to have you all along for the ride whether you are wearing heels or not :).

The second reason to celebrate is that, my sweet little girl, who has barely suffered a scraped knee, survived not 1 but 2 bumps to the head in the past 2 days without any terrible repercussions. Thank God. Which is why I have been MIA this week.

I'll use all my dandelion wishes that she always remain safe.

Then, my third reason to celebrate, I was awarded the Liebster Award by Colleen at Katlina Blog. Colleen keeps herself busy with lots of DIY home improvement projects along with raising her very handsome little boy. So, thank you Colleen, for taking time out of your busy schedule to pass this award along to me.

The Liebster is an award given to blogs with fewer than 200 followers {thank goodness I wasn't celebrating 200 followers today, right?}, that recognizes the blog author's creative writing and dedication. It also helps to bring blog owners together to exchange ideas and information.

As a recipient of this award, I have the honor of passing it along to five bloggers who I think are amazing! It was a really tough choice to choose only five blogs out of the many awesome blogs I've come to know.

So, to Carrie from A Hooah's Housewife who is just starting out on her blog journey sharing life as a newly wed and her recipes along the way.

To Cari and Courtnee from Two Sasters. I am totally loving their techy tips on Tuesdays. Because of them, if you click on their hyperlink, it will open in a new page, my blog will still remain open. Check it out, and make sure you tell them that I am a good student.

To Christina from No. 29 Design who is busy making over her beautiful home and throwing in some fun decorating ideas.

To Julie from A Little of This and That who shares the journey she is on and the art she creates.

To Maysem from Ode To Inspriation who provides inspired tutorials and always keeps me smiling.

The rules once you've been chosen (should you decide to accept):
  1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you
  2. Reveal your five selections for Liebster Blog Awards
  3. Inform the five other bloggers by leaving them a comment on their blog
  4. Copy and paste the award to your blog

Then, I found out this morning I was awarded the Versatile Blogger award...again. This time by Susan from Crochet Addict. Susan is a sweet blogger from the UK that has a wonderful perspective on life and crafting.

I'd say these are all good reasons to celebrate.


  1. CONGRATS on reaching 100 followers! YAY! I am SO happy that you like (and learn something) from our techy tips:) Thanks so much for passing this onto us!! You are too sweet!!!

  2. Aw, I love your tutorials, I think I've mentioned that. My little girl has suffered a few injuries this past week too. I wonder what's going on? She ended with a puffy eye and a fat lip, poor girl.

    1. Thanks so much for your feedback. Sorry to hear your little girl suffered her own share of ouchies this week, too. Let's hope next week is better for both our little ones :)

  3. Congrats on 100 followers! I am super excited to have 25! Also your daughter is adorable. I am loving the hello kitty band aid!

    1. Thanks Rebekah. Before you know it, you'll be at 100 followers as well!

  4. Sweet! You have created a wonderful place here in the bloggy world and deserve the awards.

    Loving the pink beads and pink band aid on your daughter. If we lived closer we should really get our girls together for a play date. They look like kindred spirits.

  5. Congrats to you! Those are all wonderful reasons to celebrate.

  6. Congrats on the awards and 100+ followers! You're doing something right! :D Keep it up!

  7. YAAY to your awards, to your 100 followers, and to Gracey being ok!! How did the little munchkin bump her head? She looks adorable in the picture...adorable top and loving the pearl necklace!!

    Of course... thanks bunches for awarding me the Liebster award!! You always seem to know how to make me feel special:D Hehe.

    I hope the rest of the week and your weekend are wonderful!

  8. Proud to say I'm new to your creative spot on the web too! Congrats on all the good things going on. Enjoy your weekend and may it be accident free!


  9. Hey girl! TY SO much for passing the award on to me! I appreciate it so much! Sorry it took me so long to link back!(: yay on 100!


I am head over heels you took the time to leave me a comment.