
Thursday, April 12, 2012

While Wearing Heels is Ready for the Party!

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party 2012!

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

I'm Amy, the woman wearing the heels at While Wearing Heels.

Ok, so to be completely honest, these days, someone else is wearing my heels more than I am.

They are usually being worn by my adorable 3 year old...

OR eaten by my mischievous doggie.

So, whether wearing my heels or not, I enjoy being creative. I guess you could say I am a 'versatile' crafter BUT really that just means that I have a crafter's version of attention deficit disorder.

When I am not making fake food {which I happily share in free tutorials}...

I enjoy trying {and sharing} lots and lots of different projects...

Though I like to try a little bit of everything, I definitely do not have a green thumb, so I improvise.

I am sure a major reason I suffer from crafter attention deficit disorder is because there are so many wonderful and inspiring blogs that I stumble upon. I look forward to being inspired by your blog next.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Crafter attention disorder...your a hoot, I love crafting blogs written with a sense of humor!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. Visiting you back from UBP! And WOW...we really DO have some things in common! I just left you a link on making fake food for the dollhouse you are working on, on my blog and then I popped here and saw above!! I am checking that out!! How ironic! Also- your daughter is precious.....precious!

    PS. One thing we do NOT have in common...heels. I suck at walking in them;)

  3. I'm glad to see that you joined in too. I was going to mention it today, but I didn't want to be pushy. Have fun!

  4. Your fake food is so cool! I'll have to check out your tutorials!

  5. I'm not crafty by any means, so I'll live vicariously through you! Love the heels pic too, so cute!

  6. Hey, nice to meet you! Just dropping in from the UBP 2012. Cute pic of your little one in your shoes. :)

  7. Hello from UBP! You are so talented...I do not have a crafting thumb or any other crafty fingers for that matter. Love the fake food- so FUN!

  8. Love the name of your blog! So excited to find a uber crafty blog like yours, and tutorials for the felt food (also so jealous when I see others making It is wonderful to meet you! Stopping by and following via the UBP :)

  9. What a wonderful corner of the cyber universe you have here. I love all you fake food, I have that on my to do list for my niece for her birthday. I have a pattern but I will surely check out your tutorials.

    I had to comment as my Google account which I no longer use. I'm now on WP at

  10. Adorable post! LOVE it!!

  11. I came across your Easter Bunny baskets that were featured on Naptime Crafters. So Cute! Then I started poking around on your and found tons of felt fake food, a current favorite of mine, so after pinning like 10 things. I decided to follow your blog. I was pretty excited to be number 100 on your Google friend connect! It's the little things that can make your day. :)

  12. Those feet are precious!

    Stopping by from UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Stopping by from UBP, wow you are crafty!

  14. Stopping by from UBP as well!
    I love your fake food:)
    Is it wrong that it makes me hungry?LOL
    Nice to meet you.

  15. Love the pic of your daughter were heels! Found you via UBP12!

  16. Hi Amy,
    I'm stopping by from UBP 2012. So nice to meet you and thank you for dropping by as well. I love your projects and your photos, too cute! I gotta say, Star War fans here, so those rock:-)

  17. Hi Amy, new follower from UBP12! I love crafts & my daughter is always asking to make something new, I just wish I had more time! I'll definitely be back to read some more!

  18. Oh goodness, your girl is adorable! So is your felt food.
    And your dog!

    Basically, I just am loving your blog.

  19. Hi! Fake food, oh my gosh so cute and creative!! I have blogger's ADD probably because the crafter in me ran out of oomph (so now I just Pin things, LOL). I look forward to getting to know you! Happy UBP!

  20. Very cool crafts! One of these days when I'm feeling brave I'll have to try one. I'm convinced I have ADD too, but only since being an at home mom- it's not the crafts, it's the children! ;) Cheers from the UBP

    ~Heather from Recovering Working Mom

  21. Popping in from UBP12!
    I also suffer from CDD. And I stink at crafts - maybe that is why I have CDD. But I can bake. I also have HDD (heel deficit disorder). I just am too wobbly.
    Grace is a cutie.

  22. Love the boats in your header shot and the adorable photo of Grace wearing your heels. She knows how to rock a pair of shoes!

    Happy UBP!

    Here's my post:

  23. Super-cute blog! LOVE, love, love your sense of humor and am looking forward to trying out your fake food tutorials for my little ones. Stopping over from the UBP Raising Lifelong Learners.

  24. Nothing makes me smile like a pair of heels. .. not that I get to wear them much anymore. I am also a UBP visitor. .

  25. You have to love a blogger with a sense of humor AND creative! Just stopping by from the UBP so I wanted to say hi! Feel free to stop by my party anytime at

  26. Thanks for stopping by Tales of a Pee Dee Mama. I am so very much NOT a heel-wearer, although my girls all love to get shoes with heels. Going to check out more of your projects!

  27. Oh my heavens. I know how it is to have someone else wearing the pants, or heels for that matter. Ha. Stoppin' in from UBP '12.

  28. Love your sense of humor and the wonderful crafts you share! Thanks and hi from the UBP!

  29. Love the little cutie in the heels. I totally understand. On Sunday when I put on my heels for church my 4 year old told me that they would look better with her outfit.
    Visiting from the UBP12. Glad I found your site!

  30. LOVE that play food!! Adorable. I cant wait to check out some of your tutorials. New follower!

  31. I'm thrilled you offer tutorials! I found you through UBP 12.

  32. I LOVE me some tutorials! I have become so crafty lately! I also found you through UBP 2012, I hope you will come by, and say hello!

  33. Found you through UBP12, nice to meet you. Your little girl is adorable. Love the wooden sail boat tutorial, gotta make that one for my home and little guy!

  34. Hello there! I am stopping by from UBP12. I love the fake food tutorials! how fun! We would love to see you over at sometime! I am a new follower! Can't wait to see what's next!


  35. hey i'm here from the party! i am a new follower i hope you'll follow me too!

  36. I just joined the party and enjoyed reading a bit of your blog! By the way, congrats on 100+ followers! That's awesome! I'll add myself to the list and be back to visit soon. :)


I am head over heels you took the time to leave me a comment.