
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chalkboards and Backdrops - Repost

Yesterday, I repost Grace's Arts and Crafts Party and I got a lot of wonderful feedback, which means, I am subjecting you to more from her 3rd birthday party.

 Growing up, I was the kid that always wanted to draw on the chalkboard at school. Something about it seemed so grown up and important, maybe even forbidden. SO when I saw this post on Oh dee doh about chalkboards, I knew I had to try it. Using chalk on a sidewalk or driveway is fun but drawing on a giant chalkboard, at least the kid in me thinks, is so much cooler.

I figured it would be the would be a perfect addition to Grace's arts and crafts birthday, not only for the fun element but also because...

1. it would hide our unsightly chain linked fence

and 2. it would hide our neighbor's unkempt yard.

It was so easy. I used some plywood and 2 cans of Rust-Oleum chalkboard paint, 2 coats per board. When they have completely dried, prime the board by rubbing it with chalk and then it's ready to use. I drilled some holes along the top and used zip strips to attach each chalkboard to the fence. After all my hard work, Martha Stewart emailed me her tip of the day, how to make your own chalkboard paint (ironic). I am not sure how well that would have worked but if you'd rather try a DIY, you can find that formula here.

When I saw the finished chalkboards, the kid in me came out, I had to grab some chalk and start writing. Which turned into an impromptu photo session. Rarely does a day pass that I am not begging someone to say 'cheese'.

And since I can't show favoritism. I had to include my other baby as well.

Though, she was anything but a willing participant.


  1. So awesome!! I love how they turned out!

  2. I absolutely love this idea! Nathaniel would go crazy for a great big black board like those. Great job! : )

  3. I'm a big fan of chalkboard too! I think it is the kid in us;) I'm contemplating turning Susu and Suraya's dresser into a chalkboard...painting the whole thing with chalkboard paint and labeling each of the drawers belonging to who:P If I get around to it, I'll definitely will be blogging about it. Thanks for the tip about priming it with rubbed on chalk... I didn't know that info... good to know!

  4. hahaha, i might be the neighbor with the unkempt yard. lol

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!! Hi Amy! I imagine you have had a fun and full day of birthday partying with now 4 year old Grace and her friends! Can't wait to hear the details and especially her reaction to 'The Dollhouse'!! Love this chalkboard idea - very clever and fun :) Heather

  6. Oh, how funny! And what a great idea!

  7. Happy birthday Grace! My kids would love these chalkboards! They're always drawing on the garage with sidewalk chalk and our landlord gets mad! :/

  8. such a cute idea! I love your header too, by the way. New follower - thx for stopping by

  9. I LOVE those pics of Grace and Riley :-) :-). Gorgeous!
    And the idea of hanging the boards on the fence! Did you take them off again? It looks good enough to be a permanent feature. And you could leave messages to each other...

  10. What a great idea! I want a chalkboard somewhere, I never thought of outside!!


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