
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Goodwill Hunting Roundup

It's that time again for my Goodwill finds from the past month.  

More than I would usually spend at Goodwill, I found this brass owl bottle opener for $4.99.  I walked around with it clutched in my hand, debating 'should I or shouldn't I'.  In the end, I splurged.  I just loved that even the back of this owl had an the same ornate design imprinted in the brass.

With Grace's birthday at the end of the month, my mind is in full party planning mode.  So when I saw some party favors and balloons, each for .49 cents, I figured I should stock up.

Something about this vintage tin box decorated with pretty little flowers spoke to me.  It had a small dent but that didn't stop me from adding it to my cart.   For .99 cents, it makes the perfect thread box.

I picked up 2 dress shirts for the handsome husband.  Both brand names.  The cost for both shirts $6.50.  Then, I had to get something for myself {besides for the owl bottle opener}.  I found a pair shorts from The Limited and red and white pinstriped paints from Anne Taylor.  Both cost me $5.50.

With mothers day looming, I bought my mom a family collage picture frame for $3.99.  I filled it with pictures of the grandkids {Grace and my 2 nephews}.  My mom also has one of the largest collection of Boyd Bears, so I always dig through the stuffed animal bin hoping to find one.  In this case, I found 2.  Goodwill puts all their stuffed animals in a giant bin and 98% of them are .50 cents, unless tagged otherwise.  Both these sweet little bears, $1 total. 

I also picked up 6 spoons that I'll flatten and use the metal stamps we got last month to make garden markers.  I can't wait!  Goodwill sells their silverware for .10 cents a piece. 

My Goodwill tip for the month, if you haven't already, sign up for the Goodwill newsletter.  They'll email  alerts for any upcoming deals or discounts.  On Earth Day, if you brought in your own reusable shopping bag, they gave you 50% off of one article of clothing.  Even if it is Goodwill, it's always nice to get an additional discount.

Happy Thrifting!


  1. Oh! If I still lived in Chicago we could totally go thrifting together. When I left Chicago I actually used to dream about the thrifts there. (If you're ever in the city, go to the Salvation Army on Clybourne. You will not regret it.)

    P.S. I love(!) the owl.

  2. awesome deals! LOVE that thread box girl! (:

    1. Thanks Carrie! I think the tread box is my favorite too!

  3. Nice finds!! Totally loving that tin box!! And good call on the owl:P I'm thinking of doing the same thing with spoons... I have plans to make an herb garden (key word "plans" hehe) and was thinking of using the spoons as markers too:) I just need to get metal stamps... just maybe I'll get lucky like you and find a set:D

    1. Maysem, maybe we need to plan a blogger playdate where we can stamp our spoons together...I'll bring the stampers you bring the cupcakes :)

  4. Great finds.. our Goodwill enlarged and I thought oh wow this is gonna be great...but instead they became so much sloppier... its a mess of a store, it used to be fairly nice.. I'm gonna have to check out the Salvation Army store in town too... Great finds!!!!


    1. Carri, how disappointing! There are definitely better Goodwills and worse ones for sure. I am fortunate to have one of the good ones.

  5. Ohhh.. what great finds!! I love the owl bottle opener.. I would have splurged on that one too!

  6. How lovely! I especially like the tin with the flowers. And the bears. And the spoons too...
    my daughter also has a birthday coming up end of the month. she just informed me that she is having a red carpet party with kiddies champagne, papparazzis and fondue, and that i am supposed to sew dresses for her and her best friend. Enjoy it while you still have a say in the party planning :-)

  7. The thread box is beautiful! Let us know how the spoons work out; I wonder if stainless steel is hard to stamp!


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