
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rock A-Bye-Baby Shower

Less than 24 hours after Grace's circus party, I was asked to plan...

Erin is my husband's cousin.  When he found out, I was going to plan another party, he looked something like this...

Ok, so he didn't look exactly like that but you get the point.

The shower was really low key, it was during a family reunion and held in my mother in-law's living room.  Easy enough, right?

I decided on a ROCK a-bye-baby theme because the expectant parents love music. 

Using some scrap book paper, I created paper records and spelled out ROCK a bye baby and strung it up.

Remember these custom onesies that I made? 

I strung them up on clothes line.

I also found some Hello Kitty socks that I turned into baby leg warmers.

I loved the idea of using the custom onesies as decorations.

I made some fabric covered Japanese lanterns {thanks to my glue gun, I burned my fingerprints off while making} which we suspended from fishing line.  The pink guitar {a Goodwill find, I stumbled upon a week before the shower} was also suspended with fishing line.

Since the dad to be is both a singer and guitar player, the rock themed baby shower also took on an unofficial guitar theme as well.

I included the same rhinestones from the guitar onesie on the paper guitars and used them as decorations around the room.

And what ROCK themed baby shower would be complete without rock candy.

I also liked the idea of having a band poster promoting the premiere of their baby girl.  Thanks to Poster My World, I was able to design a poster of my own.

And, there were a few games.  'Name That Baby' using only the letters in the mom and dad's first and middle names.

And, guess when the baby will be born calendar.

My favorite touch was still the VIP All Access Passes for the mom and dad to be.

So, even though the parents to be had a great time.  I think for the sake of my marriage, I'll take a break from party planning, at least for another week or two :)


  1. It all came together so well. What a lovely errr I mean hardcore shower. Love that you used the onesies for decor.

  2. How cute!! love the ideas you had~

  3. These are fantastic ideas, Amy! I really like the fabric covered did you make them? The rock candy is perfect too!


  4. You sure do know how to throw a party!! It looks like the day was a lot of fun!!!! Mmmmm...rock candy.

  5. omw! i think YOU are the rockstar of party planning!! i would have never dreamt of the spin on rock a bye baby with records. i'm stealing your "production" onsie idea for my cousin's baby shower. and thank you so much for your kind words, i needed them so badly this morning! u r so sweet!

  6. You did a great job! Those VIP passes are too adorable... You need your own reality show, the queen of party planning or something... I'll call WeTV and set something up. ;)

  7. I love every single detail. *You* are the rockstar :)

  8. seriously one of the best showers I've ever seen!! My husband is in a band and plays guitar. I so wish someone had, had this idea when planning my shower haha! You did an amazing job!

    1. Thank you SO much Rachel. You can always do something like this for a 1st birthday???

  9. Woooow!! Now that was a rockin' baby shower!!! You totally rocked it with all the decorations...the details rocked! (like my use of 'rock' ;))Hanging up the onesies was a great idea...and the Hello Kitty leg warmers were a nice touch! Love the pink guitar..perfect touch! Really everything was amazing. Without a doubt mom and dad to be loved it...they couldn't have gotten a better or cooler shower! You need to be an official party planner cuz you just rock:P

  10. This is so cute!! I love the onesies, but I love the theme even more! Great job!

  11. Flawless! I love that you added the rock candy! Every detail is just perfect! Great Job Amy!

  12. Love it! This was one adorable party! I wish I had a party coming that you could plan for me! :) Because I love all your ideas! Great job!


  13. LOL! Your poor hubby!! Everything looks wonderful thou...I think you found your calling!!

  14. You rock!! (Sorry, I had to say it!) Seriously, that is one awesome party with fabulous decorations and if you tell me you made that rock candy from scratch...I'm going to poke my eyes out!!!

  15. :) It was a 'Rockin' party - I can tell by the great decor. You are so good at party planning - tell your hubby to just grin and bear it!

  16. Adorable! hopefully I'll get to throw a baby shower soon (not for me!) and I could use these ideas. Pinning!

    ps- somehow when I say 'pinning" it always reminds me of Charlie Sheen and "winning", weird, but had to share:)


  17. I love all the details you put together for the shower! So many great ideas!

  18. Oh my gosh...I just might have another baby and then just happen to mention that I have only five brothers and NO sisters and that you'd be a perfect replacement party planner!!! This is so much fun and unique too!

  19. What a fun shower! I love all the little extras! You totally *rocked* it! :)

  20. This is absolutely amazing! Wow, you should go into party planning! It's reminded me that I linked back to your circus party in one of my blog posts. I hope you don't mind. It's here do check it out :-)

  21. SO cute. What did you use to make the guitar decals?

    1. Thanks so much Amanda. I just googled a guitar image, you can see the technique here:


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