
Monday, July 30, 2012

Sundried Tomato Crescent Rolls

This is really 'Sundried Tomato Croissant Rolls by While Wearing Heels' Husband'. It's something my husband will prepare for me for my birthday and our anniversary.

This recipe is so easy, even your husband can make it :)

Sun Dried Tomatoes
Crescent Rolls
Parmesan Cheese

Unroll the crescent rolls.  Places about 3-4 sundried tomatoes lengthwise on the croissant roll.  Sprinkle with some Parmesan cheese and roll them up.  Drizzle some olive oil or the oil from the sun dried tomatoes and sprinkle with a little extra cheese.  Set on a cookie sheet.

Heat oven to 375 degrees and bake for about 12 minutes.

Serve with some fresh fruit...

And enjoy every last bite.

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  1. Yummmmm! I love sun-dried tomatoes and these look spectacular, not to mention easy! Looks perfect with your fruit salad too. (I would eat fruit salad everyday if someone would just come cut it all up for me!!)

  2. Those sound so good! They'd make a great appetizer on a warm day.

  3. These seem so simple to make with such a huge impact. YUM! Way to go hubs!

  4. These look delicious!! Love how your hubby makes them for you! Awesome!! Megan

  5. mmmm it looks so fancy-smancy but SOO EASY PERHAPS EVEN A COLLEGE STUDENT COULD DO IT, RIGHT? Yes I will try this


  6. Those look amazing! My husband used to cook for me all the time... nowadays, he just opens the potato chip bag for me. Romance.

  7. Mmm sounds yum! I love crescent rolls.. love sun dried tomatoes, like parmesan... so I think I will be loving these rolls!! :D That's so cute that your hubby makes them for you...too sweet!

  8. Love when hubby's prepare food. So long as they use clean dishes to do so. There's been the odd surprise at the bottom of the tea cup...

  9. I will be pinning these. Perhaps I will even create a new board in their honor: "dishes that Mike should make for me." ;)

  10. So easy and sounds just wonderful. I love sundried-tomato

  11. My husband loves sundried-tomatoes. I can't wait to make these for him! New follower. Yay for being blog buddies! :)

  12. YUM! I am so tempted to head out the door to Kroger so I can have a midnight snack!

  13. Yum, that sounds great. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Wow I love the whole spread. Very yummy!

  15. Easy & Yummy!!
    Saw you at Adventures of a DIY Mom
    Debbie :)

  16. these look so easy and yummy! i just bought some sundried tomatoes to make something like this with french bread...i may just give these a try instead : )

  17. Love at your gorgeous food :) I've never had this but I LOVE sun dried tomatoes!

  18. Oh I love easy recipes like this! Going to try it! Found you on Whimsy Wednesdays.

  19. So yummy and easy to make! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  20. Yum, these look fabulous! And my hubs is actually a pretty good chef, but this recipe looks easy enough that maybe even I can make it :-) Thanks so much for sharing this at The Fun In Functional!

    1. Thanks Jessi! Can I borrow your husband for a few days :)

  21. this looks so good, i immediately went ahead and pinned it. it's funny how you wrote that it's so easy even your husband can make it... in my family my hubby is the best cook. with us it's ME that needs easy recipes such as this one :)

  22. Holy Cow! Yummo! Definitely trying this. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from A Glimpse Inside. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. Hi Amy,
    Love these simple bites, would make an awesome appetizer for a party. I found you through Made in a Day.
    I did a post of 7 crescent recipes, if you care to check it out:
    Btw, love your profile cute:) Di{CookTheTV}

  24. I've never thought of putting sundried tomatoes in these crescent rolls it sounds good!!

    Those rolls are awesome too I pretty much stuff them with whatever I have left over in the fridge and call it dinner ha!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle. They really are good...especially since I don't have to make them :)

  25. Ohh.. Amy! These look great! Im going to have to try them soon.. I love anything in/on/around a croissant. Haha!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Financial Friday last week! I hope to see ya there tomorrow at 7!

  26. This looks yummy -- and so sweet that hubby makes them for your birthday! Thanks for sharing on Busy Monday!


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