
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bridal Shower Tray

When I was creating my bridal register, 6 years, scanning things things I thought I needed to have, things I couldn't live without, I scanned this tray and someone bought it for me.  I have nearly donated it several times never filling it with cheese and using it to serve the many guests I knew I'd be entertaining. 

Grace decided it was a suitable tray to tape some of her masterpieces from.  If you need a reminder, Grace is quite fond of Scotch Tape.

The tray, however, does not like Scotch tape.  Some of it's faux wood covering came off with the Scotch tape so it was time for a makeover.

I bought these botanical prints from a flea market for $1 each.  I've had them for awhile and finally decided to use them...

in the tray.

The newly spray painted black tray. 

And now, that tray I had to have, 6 years later, has finally become something I can't live without.


  1. What a great redo! I love when you can use things you already have. The tray looks great. Thanks for the heads up about toddlers liking scotch tape. I hadn't introduced that to Wynn

    1. Scotch tape can keep them occupied for hours! So introduce it when you need your toddler occupied for awhile! But keep it stored out of reach :)

    2. So true! My kids love tape (well my 1 yr old gets mad that she can't ever really get it to stop sticking on her - but we get a chuckle at her frustration). Take picture of the kids having fun!!

  2. I like it much better this way Amy! You could probably still serve cheese on it when I come! Fabulous makeover and very pretty cards!

  3. What a transformation! Love it :)

  4. The update is lovely! And it's so nice that you were able to keep the tray since it's from your shower :)

  5. I love the tray. great idea. Karen

  6. Love it Amy. You always create such simple and beautiful things.

  7. love this, u are sooo thrifty chic girl! i LOVE this! sorry its been forever, i wrote u on fb a while ago. been needing a way to actually contact u when i briefly go mia. lol. anyways, hope everything is great ur way & glad that u found something awesome to use for ur thrify finds & ur recycled tray!(: im hosting a giveaway soon & love for u to be a part of it!
    -Carrie Eve @

  8. I have a similar tray but its still in faux wood shambles! And I've got an almost four year old scotch tape lover whom I'm sure your Grace would find good company ;) Cute project!

  9. I love the tray and actually may be inspired to rescue my tray from the donation pile!

  10. Love the makeover!! I love how the black makes the prints really pop!! Can you believe I haven't been to a flea market since I was a kid. As a kid, I recall I used to always get a chinese yo yo. I think I need to make a trip one day. Is there one you recommend? :)

  11. It looks so crip and modern now!

  12. Looks GREAT! Did it have glass inlaid or did you protect the prints with something else? Great redo.

  13. I love that! Tray redos are so fun and make such a difference... nice job!

  14. Much, much better! What a beautiful makeover.

  15. How gorgeous! it looks so much more beautiful now!

  16. Love a simple and easy DIY...the tray looks amazing and I must admit, better than before!

  17. Love the tray and love this post! And my daughter had (okay, at 12 still has) a special bond with Scotch tape. As in uses it all up on who knows what and then doesn't tell me so when I'm trying to wrap a present I find myself forced to use painter's tape ...



  18. Love it - the black really sets the prints off - well done. x

  19. The pic of Grace and her loves is perfect! Believe it or not, you may forget those things one day without it. What a fun age. She's a doll!

  20. I love that pic of your daughter with her faves. I need to make one of my son!

  21. What a transformation! I love the Grace pic! :)


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