
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It's that time of year when we are reminded to be...

So, I decided to make a 'thankful' garland.

And to display some of the reasons for which I indeed am thankful.

Because there are days, when I definitely need the reminder.

Days when the dog has stolen not only the toilet paper but also some socks {thankfully, they were my husband's}.

Days when someone {my husband} thought it was a good idea to give Grace a pen {thankfully, it wasn't permanent marker}.

Days when crafting has gone terribly wrong {thankfully, tears don't occur very often around here}.

Or nights when my husband snores so loudly I can't fall asleep {fortunately, he is willing to retreat to the sofa, with the dog, on those nights}.

Now, when one of those moments should strike, I can look up and remember to be thankful.

Perhaps I should leave this up all year long.


  1. Beautiful garland! That pic of Grace reminds me of Lucy, who used to draw herself a "mustachio" (her words)... in sharpie..

  2. I agree, leave it up all year with a rotation of new things on the second garland. Looks great!
    If the pen is a permanent marker next time, fingernail polish remover gets it off very well. I buy non-acetone only. That way, if it needs to be used on other surfaces, it won't ruin them.

  3. Adorable post! It's nice to have reminder because sometimes we need it. I love how you put up pictures... cute idea!

  4. love the garland :) I've recently experienced the pen with Wynn.

  5. really beautiful garland amy :) yes, you should live that up all year...


  6. yep, I have started a thankful journal to write down what I am thankful for all year long!

  7. i laughed so hard at the photo of grace with the pen & then grace melting down at craft time. story of my life with 3 little ones, haha.

    i love your thankful swag!

  8. Great photos! I really needed that reminder today. Yes, keep it up all year!

  9. HAHAHAHAHA! Best post ever!!!! Will the mister KILL you for that one?

  10. Cute idea. Yes, it helps to be reminded. Thanks!

  11. Gorgeous, and I love the one of Grace crying - I wish tears weren't common. Although they're better than teen angst! I love your garland, I think it would be nice to do thanksgiving here.

  12. Ohhhhh I have to jump through the computer and give that baby girl a hug and wipe those tears. She's coming to my house and she can color her face all day every day because I can't stand to see those tears. I'll teach her how to do a mustache.

    (seriously I'm making a grimace face thinking of her little tears)

  13. How wonderful! It reminds me of a poem I knew and loved long ago--I think it was by Margaret Holmes--that said the same thing. About how she was peacefully sitting watching the puppy sleeping on the floor, her husband doing whatever, and then she said "help me remember this when the puppy throws up on the floor" etc. I had small children at the time, and I could SO relate!!

  14. i luv it and i luv the "BE" blocks i like the difference b/t them. and i would *TOTALLY* leave it up all year.

  15. Very cute! I need reminded rather often too - I should make my own 'thankful' banner!

  16. Cute post! I know I definitely need a reminder to be thankful more often. I'm laughing my head off at Grace and the pen....You should see Ramsay's room, and what she did with markers.

  17. I love the chicago skyscrapers in the
    window sill! Di you guys make those?

  18. Hi Amy,
    You really are a talented writer, do you know that? Just been going through some of your posts that I've missed while I've been staying away from the computer, lol. I smiled, laughed (husband bringing home the "found" furniture) and even teared up(that was Gracie proposing. Girl, you're GOOD!! Thanks so much for blogging:) Di

  19. I love the sign! It's funny that those who are nearest and dearest to us, can also cause us the most stress sometimes. Those are the best times to remember to be thankful.


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