
Monday, November 12, 2012

Will You Marry Me.

I read the most touching article called 50 Rules for Dads of Daughters.  It came with a disclaimer, that the article might cause tears.

It did just that as I read rule number 34:

"Somewhere between the time she turns three and her sixth birthday, the odds are good that she will ask you to marry her. Let her down gently."

On a daily basis, Grace asks us to marry her.

And these are the moments I am reminded to treasure because I know before long, she'll stop asking us to marry her and instead, she'll be waiting...

Waiting for some boy to sweep her off of her feet and marry her.


At least for now, this little bride to be, playing dress up in my wedding dress, is mine.


  1. What fun pics Amy! She is such a dear!

  2. ah! she's such an adorable girl :) and a wedding dress at cute!


  3. Seriously?! Those are the best pictures ever. They need to be displayed prominently at her real wedding.

  4. That is the CUTEST pictures and best idea ever!!! I still have not preserved my wedding dress (it has only been 5 years)....I have to do this ASAP!

  5. how sweet! and yes that time will come. my lil guy is 7.3 yo and he has stopped asking me to marry him. altho he is betrothed as him and a close family friend since they were 2.5yo have decided that they are going to marry one another "after college". :) i'm with elena - these are an absolute MUST at her real wedding!

  6. Very sweet! I love that you let her play with your dress. Great memories!

  7. This is the cutest thing I ever seen. So special that she gets to enjoy your special day in her own sort of way.
    Prue x

  8. What a sweet post. The joys of having little girls :) Perhaps this is why I have very little sentiment towards my wedding dress? Regardless, you have inspired me to take more interesting photos of my boys, showing who they are and what they love to do :)

  9. That is so very cute. It's funny how people seem to think men always want sons and yet every man I know with a daughter thinks she is the most precious thing ever. Love the photos of her in your wedding dress

  10. I still get choked up recalling oldest daughter dancing with her dad at her wedding. And it does come all too soon.


  11. So precious. Some of the most touching moments of my life were spent watching my girls dance with their dad at their weddings, remembering those little-girl days. How the time flies, before you know it, they are wives, and mothers, in the blink of an eye. I know those pictures are ones you will treasure always, and they will be cherished for generations to come.

  12. That's so precious. I find it sad how fast they do grow... and that just means we are getting old at the same time! Hmm.. I wonder which one is more sad. ;P

  13. love! you are such a great mommy :)

  14. These pictures are so precious! I got married at 22 and engaged at 20, so now that my younger sisters are approaching 19 and 18 my mom is afraid she only has a few years left before they too get married. It's kind of cute ;)


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