
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another Quilt

My mom, the queen of quilts, has recently started making baby clothes quilts.  Each square is created using a romper, onesie, baby doll dress or sailor suit that the sweet little trendsetter wore while accomplishing the firsts in life like rolling over, sitting up, crawling and walking.

So even when your innocent baby has grown to adventurous toddler a rebellious teenager or an adult you can still get wrapped up in the excitement of those first big steps in life by looking at this quilt.

My mom had offered to created one of this quilt time capsules for Grace but I had hesitated...until now. 

I pulled out totes that had stored these precious outfits away and I began to remember the milestones.

The firsts.

And, I began to realize, for the first time, how quickly time passes.

So, some of the outfits went back into the tote.  Outfits that I just couldn't imagine cutting up.  Outfits that will continue to be stored and saved.

Then there were outfits that were adorable, that made me smile, that I realized could make up a quilt that I would want to get wrapped up in the excitement of remembering.

What have you done with your children's baby clothes?


  1. Wow, Amy, between you and your Mom you two can create some amazing projects!
    My kids clothes that I can't part with are in a cedar chest. I really should consider doing something like this I suppose. I've always hesitated at the thought of cutting them up!

  2. I love this!! It makes me want to learn how to quilt!!

  3. It is a beautiful quilt, Amy. Your mom is amazing just like you. I have only taken out a few baby outfits of Wynn's when our friend had a baby in need of some clothes. Hoping we can use them again someday if not this quilt is a great idea. :) Megan

  4. ah, that is so lovely it would be when Grace is grown up and she'll realize that there is a meaning to this quilt that her grandmother made...this is a very good idea..


  5. I love quilts that are made out of clothes. It makes a wonderful keepsake! I think that it's wonderful that your mom will be making one for Grace. How cute will it be if she uses it to wrap her own baby in. :)

  6. I absolutely love this! I have been saving my kids' jammies for this purpose! My husband always takes them to the Disney store to pick out jammies (since birth). I do not part with ANY of those particular jammies since they hold such precious memories for us! Thanks for sharing!

  7. looks wonderful!!! we just pass the clothes down to friends who have babies. Definitely quilting is not in my DNA...or is it? :)

  8. A lot of my girls'clothes eventually went to my niece but I always wanted to do something like this with the really special pieces. What a treasure!!

  9. Your mom is so talented! Genius idea to make quilts out of rompers - so sentimental! I have keep all of my boys jeans from when they were toddlers till now in hopes of having them made into quilts! Grace was a stunner even as a babe!! She gets her good looks from her MOM ;D

  10. Such a wonderful idea and gift for that precious one! Your mom does amazing work, as do you!

  11. I love these quilts, I wish I had kept more outfits, I gave almost everything away :( that is going to be one amazing quilt!

  12. I have parted with all baby clothes, except one outfit per boy, because the bins were eating up precious square footage. But I will be sure to hang onto enough jerseys, raggy tshirts, and pj's to do this someday :)

  13. I see creativity must run in the family! This is a great idea for baby clothes. I've also seen this done with t'shirts.

  14. Your mom is a genius! Guess you come by it honestly! I had to blow that first picture up to get a better look at it! How awesome! I saved one pair of jeans from each child and one outfit. When I look back at William's little wranglers even to this day...I get all teary. (Can you believe he was so tiny, he started kindergarten in those size 2T jeans??!!) I did think to take a picture of Jacob in his dad's baby jeans though...whew..almost missed that one!

  15. That is such a great idea!!! I can't wait to see it finished. But I wonder, who will it be more for, mother or daughter? hehe Bonus, you are being green, too. I had to say it ;)

  16. Amy..... Tell your mom she is amazing. Gorgeous quilt, excellent idea.


  17. What a doll baby! And what a sweet quilt! I wish I'd seen this idea before I got rid of all my baby clothes.


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