
Friday, January 11, 2013

When one door closes.

Who knew...two years ago, a door would close in my life and I would lose my job. 

Who knew...8 months later, I would started a blog called While Wearing Heels and that in the process, I would discover this creative and artistic side of myself I never knew existed.

Who knew...Mary Janes Farm would discover, on pinterest, the United States Quilt I made.

Who knew...they would then ask if it could be featured in their January/February issue.

Who knew...that the philosophy I have lived by since that unforeseen door closed, the philosophy that saved me would become an inspiring quote in a magazine.

Who knew?   Not me.

It just goes to show, when one door closes it doesn't mean your story ends, it just means you have to figure out what your next chapter will be.

There is no telling where life will take you.


  1. Huge congrats on your feature! I think the "who knew" moments in life are often the very best!

  2. Oh my goodness. That is so amazing. Congrats!!!!!

  3. Congratulations!!! Can one buy this magazine at Barnes & Noble??

  4. Congratulations! That's very exciting!

  5. EEEEKKKKK! Congrats.......exciting! You are deserving.

  6. That is the most awesome thing to your actual quilt!! You are a rock star girl and I guess now that you are famous...I'm glad to be able to say, "I knew you when"!! I can think of no one who deserves such a great honor more than you my dear! So cool!! I'm with Elena...where can I find that magazine!

  7. I knew! I knew how fabulous you were the very first time I found myself here, following a link to felted food ...

    Congratulations, my friend! So very, very well-deserved!

    :) me

  8. A-mazing!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.

  9. That is incredible, Amy! You deserve it! That quilt is definitely magazine worthy. :)

  10. This will be the first of meany features from your talented hands and thoughtful heart! We are all so very proud of you! Love these pictures, by the way :)

  11. That is amazing! Congratulations! It couldn't have happened to a more awesome blogger!

  12. look at you Amy! you are famous now, thanks to your United States Quilt! congratulations, i bet your mom is thrilled about this too :)

    Life is indeed really full of surprises, we'll just never know what tomorrow may bring...

    lots of huggies***so proud of you my friend..

  13. Wow, a major shout out to you! Glad your talents are getting noticed! How fun to be featured in a magazine! Congrats and here's to many more!

  14. Awesome Amy - totally totally awesome! So excited for you!

  15. Wonderful! I love MJF anyway, but now I like them even better. I'm very happy for you.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet and very much appreciated comment.

  16. yay & CONGRATS!!! i totally <3 MJF - i'm a farm chick! and i know u must be on cloud 9!!

    1. meant to say so so so ssssooooo happy for you sweet friend!

  17. WOW - that is amazing!!!!! Congrats!!

  18. That's wonderful! How exciting to be featured like that!

  19. Congratulations Amy, that is absolutely fantastic, and truly deserved! So proud and happy for you xxoo

  20. Congratulations!! That is SO awesome!!

  21. Congratulations! You truly deserve it! :)

  22. Amy, when I first saw the picture of that quilt, I knew you were destined for great things! That is the most amazing quilt I have ever seen, and I do not expect to ever see one that is more beautiful. It wows me every time I think about it. And, I do think about it!! It is beyond my comprehension that anyone could create that. Congrats on being recognized by the publishing world!
    And a very, very Happy Birthday!! May your life always be filled with love, laughter and all things good and sweet.
    Hugs and blessings

  23. Congratulations Amy! I am SO happy for you! How exciting! I love your quilt. And that quote is great too!

  24. Fantastic!!!! A few short months ago I only *knew* a handful of talented ladies featured in a magazine, I think with the addition of you that number is up to 15. You're a star and your quilt too!


  25. So I'm thinking this totally tops the Goodwill feature!! Congratulations Amy, be proud of yourself! :o)

    1. Thank you so much Paula. I am attempting to be proud of myself :)

  26. Yay! Great job, I love your quilt. I have it on my favorites at my Etsy shop.
    Proud of you!!

  27. Congrats! That is awesome!

  28. Amy, this is such fabulous news! Wishing you many more exciting chapters!

  29. Congratulatons Amy! That's so fabulous! Good for you!!

  30. How wonderful dear Amy!! this is so great! Congratulations :-). I am very happy for you dear friend xxx

  31. Congratulations Amy! So happy for you that is EXCITING!

  32. Dear Amy, Wow! Congratulations. You must be sooo excited! What an honor and opportunity..and well deserved. Such a beautiful quilt.
    Awesome way to start the new year! I'm very happy for you:) Di

  33. So happy for you....and PROUD for you! You rock Amy....and I'd like to point out that I was immediately aware of that fact after talking with you the very first time. :-) Congrats!

  34. Congratulations Amy!! That is totally amazing and you so deserve it!! I'm so proud of you!!!! Keep at it... and I know you'll get far. You have the talent, the ambition, and the attitude for what it takes. You are truly an inspiration for all of us. :D

  35. WOW!! Amazing story! I just saw this below today's post (Grace's big girl room, which BTW I am in love with) and the title caught my eye. You have talent lady. Keep creating!!!
    It is truly amazing to me when doors are closed to later see the ones that are opened for us. Many doors were closed for us at this time last year. We are slowly finding some that are open. I get anxious when they truly open. And it scares me to grab that door knob. Have a great Tuesday!


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