
Monday, March 18, 2013

Ikea Table Makeover


Grace has one of those plain white Ikea tables which has suited our purposes for crafting and the occasional tea party but lacked a bit of character.

I decided to overcome my fear of Mod Podge, when I came across this pretty pink and green floral paper, from Dick Blick, in hopes that it would give our boring white table a bit of character and charm.

Do you have a boring table of your own and want to learn how to make it over?  Gather the following supplies.

First, you'll apply a thin EVEN layer of Mod Podge to the clean table top.  Slowly put the paper in place, over the coat of Mod Podge you applied.  Press it down firmly and flatly.

Then wait {hence the requirement patience and time}.

Once fully dry, apply a layer of Mod Podge over the top of the paper to seal the paper.

Then wait.

Once fully dry, apply another layer of Mod Podge over the top of the paper.

Then wait.

When fully dry, throw a tea party.

Or allow the creative juices to flow and do some crafting.

If only all makeovers simply required a little Mod Podge :)

The DIY'ers 


  1. Love that paper. So a cute transformation!

  2. The paper is so pretty, Amy! It makes it looks so beautiful. Way to overcome your fear of Mod's so much fun.

  3. Love this project, definitely makes the table more personalized. I finally realize what my problem with Mod Podge is-- my inability to allow it to dry!

    1. Ha! I am so glad someone else can relate to my Mod Podge issues :) Thanks for your very sweet comment.

  4. oh girl - modge podge has my heart!! but the patience part not so much - i normally have a 1/2 a dozen modge podged projects laying around drying at one time cuz of that whole drying thing! u did a fabu job!!. thank u for ur sweet words the other day, i hope nd pray that i'm doing it right! i cant wait to have tea parties like ya'll!

  5. Oh that paper is gorgeous! Hope you had a lot left over! I'd say you've gotten over your fear go to town with it!

  6. that's the cutest floral paper ever. and i love your styling of this shoot...perfect!

  7. What a beautiful transformation!!!
    Have never Mod Podged - so late to the party with this lol
    You've inspired me!

  8. I love this!! My girls still use their old pay table but they're really too big for it, sniff! Perhaps I should modge podge it and pass it on to someone else. :)

  9. Hmmm... where can I buy this "patience and time" that you speak of? ;)

    I love it! The paper is gorgeous and feels so springy! I love the backyard tea party (with puppy as a guest!) - I cannot wait until it warms up a bit 'round these parts!

  10. Absolutely adorable. The paper looks like it was ment to be there from the beginning.

  11. That table is so pretty now! Love the paper!!! Love mod podge... it's so easy. It's the waiting between coats that's the hardest part. Beautiful job!

  12. I love her little turned head looking right at the camera! That expression! So cute!

    So is the table makeover. However, waiting for things to dry is not my strong suit!

  13. match made in heaven: Ikea-Modpodge. Looks so girly and wonderful

  14. I have a round table for kids that is white! Thank you for sharing! This spark me to do my daughter's table.

    Thank you!
    Joanne @ Creative Mess

    1. Thanks so much Joanne. Your project will trump mine since it's round :)

  15. hi amy! i've nominated you for liebster award, let's know each other even more..


  16. Thae ended beautifully. Mod podge isn't quite as easy as Pinterest makes it appear, well done. I wish I had a photo of my first attempt oh so so bad!

  17. Love that paper... it gave the table more character and made it so much prettier.

  18. This is adorable, and adds so much character to the table! I have a pair of ikea end tables that have tops that are pretty beat up. Your post gives me the shove in the right direction to cover 'em up! I've only mod-podged coasters, so a bigger projet will prove interesting. I also love that paper you used!
    Kim @ Two Ten

  19. Such a cute touch of character! I love the table now! :)

  20. So so pretty Amy and there's my little blondie looking cute as a button! I love all the pretty flowers on this table - great makeover! What would we do without Mod Podge? :D

  21. When I was Grace's age I loved tea parties. I'll ask again, will you adopt me?


  22. Super cute! Don't forget to link up to The DIY'ers!

  23. Oh girl....once you go Mod Podge, you never go back! I LOVE that stuff! The table is beautiful! What pretty paper :)

  24. This is gorgeous! And just right for spring and strawberries and tea parties :-) Lovely darling Amy xxx

  25. How did I miss this project this week? This is so smart and looks really easy minus the patience part. I'm not so good with that one. We have an Ikea table that could use a little updating. I've got to pin this for later.


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