
Monday, June 17, 2013


My name is Amy and I am married to a woodaholic.

A woodaholic has a stash of barn wood and will often pick up random pieces of wood while on a walk just because. 

A woodaholic will spot a 300 pound tree root in the water and decide to risk life and limb to retrieve it...

and then haul it up 50 stairs to dry land.  All because it has the potential to become a coffee table.

I have learned not to doubt the visions of my woodaholic because typically what results from his wood obsession is something that had been slyly hiding.

That's the thing with woodaholics, they can cleverly coax things out of what looks like an ordinary piece of wood.

Sometimes, it's almost as if he has just pulled a rabbit out of his hat, when I see his latest creations.

Other times, I realize,

a woodaholic can refine his obsession into a restoration hardware-esque vision.

My woodaholic has taken over the While Wearing Heels Etsy Shop...where you can find each of these creations for sale.

And, I realize, by allowing all of this, I am merely enabling my woodaholic.


  1. definitely continue to enable your woodaholic! his work is amazing! omword that tree root - amazing! I just pinned a post on how to preserve wood - that would be amazing conversation piece!

  2. So talented! I love the title "from the shed" in your etsy shop!

  3. I am in love with that purple bench from the first picture.

  4. Love all of these creations! He certainly is a talented guy! :)

  5. Wow, he is talented! I love every piece. Great vision.

  6. My favorite is the fox.

    I like the photo of him pulling up the drift wood. :-)

    1. Thank you so much Carla. The fox is the latest creation.

  7. So, um, did that stump ever become a coffee table??

  8. that would be me... dragging a stump out of water to safe land to be used later :)

  9. Wow, those pieces are amazing! I say carry on with the enabling :)

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  10. your husband has a great eye in recognizing the possibilities!...AND that stump...looking forward to seeing it transformed into a table. have a great week friend! x

  11. Enabler, oh dear, but at least you can hoard craft supplies without having to worry about it. Mr.WWH is very talented what a relaxing hobby to have. I love the coffee table.

  12. there something wrong with being a woodaholic??.... I think you need to keep enabling that woodaholic of yours! He does great work.

  13. Thank you so much Amy. It's always nice to know someone that enjoys carpentry...I hope your uncle goes for it!

  14. Great stuff Amy - has that tree stump turned into a coffee table yet? that is gonna be SO cool! And I lvoe the stuff in your etsy shop. I wanted one of the wood arrows back at valentines. Maybe next year!

  15. I love that fox! I think I'm going to go buy it right now!

  16. WOW! Great work. I see you both have amazing talents.

  17. That's some crazy talent there! And I love that fox! LOVE IT! I want one.

    I do not have a wood-a-holic in my house. It's a shame, because it looks like a very useful addiction! :)

  18. enable away, those are beautiful, folk-artish things he made. i'm feeling very wanty right now.
    my husband also hoards wood, but rarely makes anything; its what i call "one-day" wood, as in one day he might do something with it. unbeknown to me he stashed some of his stash in the woodshed last year. oh oh. bye bye burr totara up the chimney x

  19. Wow Amy! Your guy makes some awesome stuff! Please tell him he can have all the tree limbs, branches and roots he wants from Silo Hill Farm!

  20. I have looked into a cure for this problem for my woodaholic and I have found none.

  21. I think diving into a river fully clothed is a perfectly reasonable thing to do :-) I wood love to be able to work wood like that!

    1. Charlotte, your comment made me laugh. Thank you. And, to be fair, he did take his shoes and socks off before jumping into retrieve the stump...that gives me hope that he hasn't completely lost his mind :)

  22. I rather love the 200 yr old tree stump into coffee table idea! Did he actually do it? It's wonderful you 2 share the same general passion for crafting/DIY-ing.

  23. hubby is a wood shop equipment-aholic...we had better not let them get together!! I love the fox and the rabbit. Your hubby is very inventive and talented!


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