
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Grace's Big Girl Room - A Work in Progress

Grace's room is making the transition from a baby's room to a big girl room. 

In the transition, though, I have to decide what to keep out and on display and what to pack away. 

My mom, the Queen of Quilts, had made this adorable sheep quilt for Grace.  This quilt covered her crib and toddler bed up until now.

Of course, both the crib and toddler bed are now gone, making room for a twin bed.  We bought this headboard from Goodwill for $14.95 with the intention of painting it white and adding a decorative wood applique that has a slightly vintage feel.

We found the perfect sheets for her new big girl bed from Home Goods.  Hillcrest Ballerina Princess Toile in pink for only $19.95.

Though her sheep quilt will still have a place in her room, it certainly won't cover her twin bed so The Queen of Quilts will be making her another quilt.  Grace and I got to go fabric shopping, finding the daintiest of patterns ranging in colors from pink to green and a touch of yellow.

The Queen of Quilts always adds a label to the back of each quilt she makes.  Something personal, something meaningful, something to mark exactly how special the newly made quilt is.   

For this quilt, I created the label myself.  I embroidred 'let her sleep for when she wakes She will move mountains', a quote I have seen on pinterest countless times.  A quote so fitting to be added to a quilt that Grace will spend many nights sleeping beneath.

A bed alone does not make a big girl room, so when I found this beautiful print by Laurel Denise, one that is so fitting for Grace, I didn't hesitate to buy it (especially when I found out it was only $15 with shipping).

And, we'll finally be adding a chandelier to our 100 year old house.  Home Depot has this sweet chandelier for just under $100.


Fortunately, I found a ceiling medallion at Goodwill for $1.99 a few months ago.  It will get a coat of white paint and will be hung along with the chandelier.

Grace's bookcase will be getting a coat of light pink paint along the back and the shelves will display more big girl items compared to baby items.  *And, yes that is a TV you spy.  When your husband says, as you are decorating the nursery, if there is a TV in the baby's room, I will help with midnight feedings, you add a TV to the baby's room.

And, there will be some homemade 3 dimensional pink butterflies fluttering around her room. 

Just like every other room in our house, this room will be filled with thrifted and flea market finds, home made elements and frugal finds.

I look forward to completing Grace's room and sharing every detail.


  1. What a beautiful room so far! Nice to know that someone else has a room in progress for a big girl. I need to get moving on Wynn's room now. Can't wait to see Grace's room when you put your special touches on it.

  2. I love the quilt fabrics! Everything is so pretty a big girl room she must be excited. I would've invest in a big screen if I had been able to get a break from midnight feeds :)

  3. luv it all! and totally wish I had thot about that tv - maybe mine would have helped with midnight feedings, lol! the quote and print are amazing - and so fit sweet gracie. I cant wait to see the quilt your momma makes. and is that stained glass on those butterflies?! ur chockfull of surprises sweet friend!

  4. Ok, I will say it again, Grace is so lucky to have you for a mom. The talent just oozes. Of course, with the Queen of Quilts as your mom, I guess you were lucky, too:)
    Thanks for sharing some of the personal stuff that you share,so inspiring to so many.

  5. Just like everything else you touch, I'm sure Grace's room is going to be fabulous! I can't wait to see the end result.

  6. Lucky, lucky Grace! What a beautiful space for her. And lucky, lucky you having the Queen of Quilts to make such special keepsakes. I can't wait to see the final reveal :)

  7. It's going to be completely enchanting! Can't wait to see it come together!

  8. I love all the pieces you're using in Grace's room. The chandelier is going to look amazing...just like a fairytale! I can't wait to see it all come together. I love the tag you made for her quilt. Amazing! :)

  9. Grace's room is going to be such a lovely and inspiring place for her. The fabrics are fabulous!! I find that quote you used on the label very meaningful... and empowering. Love it!

  10. Everything you have picked out so far is so beautiful! I love the quote for her quilt!

  11. It's lovely Amy and the best part is that you are putting so much love into each and every detail!

  12. I think just like every other room in your house it will be filled with love! I love that fabric and the little frog with the crown on it. So cute! Did you make those butterflies? Yay! finally got a chandelier and it's beautiful!

  13. Love love love!!!! Your mom is an amazing quilter. I checked out her FB page...AMAZING!!!


  14. FUN! I love the chandelier!!!!!!!!! And I love that sheep quilt........can't wait to see how you work that into the space. Love it!

  15. What a fabulous plan! I can't wait to see what the Queen of Quilts does with those fabrics. Lila actually has that exact same chandelier in her bedroom (though she has the one with pink crystals along with the clear).

    The quote for her quilt is too awesome - I'd never thought of having a label or quote on a quilt, but I really love that idea.

  16. I'mmmmm gonnnnnaaaaa liiiiike itttt.

  17. tv does help with those late night nursings...makes me sleepy just thinking about it. Very cute touches, she will love her big girl room!

  18. SO excited to see the finished room. Absolutely love the embroidered label you made. I'm already brainstorming ideas for Jake's big boy room which is still several years down the road ;-).

  19. I can't wait to see her room all done! It's going to look amazing!

  20. i love all the little personal details you are adding to grace's room..especially the quilt with the embroidered quote "let her sleep..." that girl of yours is going to be a mountain mover indeed! x


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