
Thursday, July 11, 2013

What have I gotten myself into?

Last Sunday, I got up EARLY...long before the rest of my family stirred.

As a result, I joined twittter.

And instagram.

One of them I am obsessed with, the other...well, not so much (yet).

Feel free to follow along, as I stumble through these latest social media avenues.

I am hoping sleep won't elude me this weekend, there's no telling what I'll join if it does :)


  1. You are so funny. Twitter is not for me. Removed myself from the FB world at the beginning of this was getting pretty stupid to me. BUT I love Instagram!!! I suppose because I live through pictures.

  2. I found out from my resident twitter expert (my Dad) that there are apps and it makes it easy to follow along...too hard basket.. I used instagram once and didn't get it. Then again Im not huge on pics and they'd probably be of my kids all the time and I would bore people ;)

  3. Instagram ROCKS! Twitter, ehhh, we'll see. I'm SO GLAD YOU ARE ON INSTAGRAM!

  4. I don't understand any of it. I can't even figure out Google+...


  5. Good for you Amy! I don't get twitter but I use it some - not a bad thing to have all the social media you can! Instagram I NEED - but I don't own a device that I can use it with.

  6. I don't really get either one. Have the both...but don't use them! Maybe you'll show us the way Amy!

  7. I bet we're obsessed with the same one. ;) I haven't really used it for my blog though... Off to follow you now!

  8. I loathe Twitter. But Instagram is the GREATEST THING EVER!! Following :)

  9. that's great! ...but I am not on either one...God knows I don't need any more "socializing" :)

  10. you're so funny amy! that is great! i am on instagram but not on it a whole lot and not on twitter at all!

    have fun♥

  11. I have a twitter account, don't really use it though same with FB. I probably would enjoy Instagram - if I ever get around to joining :)

    Have fun, Estelle xx

  12. I haven't joined either of them...and I don't really intend to...I just don't have the time for one more thing. So sorry I won't be following along..:( So I hope I don't miss anything too exciting! :)

  13. You're on Instagram? I JUST joined about two weeks ago. I'm terrible at it, but I'm learning. I have to follow you. I want to see your gorgeous photos!

  14. You will have to report back to me on both these in a month. I will have a list of questions for you to answer.

  15. Following! Don't go joining Tumblr this weekend ;).

  16. Sorry I won't be following you (yet). I don't think I need to add another item (Twitter) and I don't have a smartphone so I am being told I can't do Instagram (which I would like to do). So, maybe someday...

  17. Oh great!!! Now I'm going to have to do instagram!! I actually am signed up, just haven't done anything with it.

  18. Following on Instagram (love it!), but I refuse to get a twitter! Every time I get linked to someone's twitter feed it just looks like complete nonsense to me. I'm still trying to figure out Google+! Good luck with your twittering!

  19. Hi! i love instagram!
    lovely blog, followin u ;)
    kisses from Spain,

  20. Instagram...LOVE! Twitter... not so much. Maybe in time...


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