
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Decorate With What Makes You Happy.

Grace's bedroom is making the transition from little girl room to big girl room. 

Grace's little girl room remained fairly neutral in design, since it was originally decorated as a gender neutral nursery. 

Of course, now I have anything but a gender neutral big girl.  We've entered the phase of loving anything princess, pink and girly. 

This frame, or more specifically this print, unfortunately, does not fall into the princess, pink, girly category. 

I had considered removing the print and putting in a cork board to display pictures, cards or artwork but I had procrastinated.  For once, my procrastination paid off because, a few weeks ago, I participated in a summer house tour event, and I found the inspiration I needed from Cedar House Ranch.  Anita, the decorator and owner, shared her daughter's bedroom.  Above her daughter's bed, she had hung beautiful vintage white baby gowns.  

Cue the light bulb and inspiration I needed.  

I dug out Grace's baby clothes and found the dress she wore for her first Christmas.  This was a dress I loved then and still do now but, of course, tucked away in a box rarely gets appreciated...

 Until now.

Now this dress, pinned to some mat board covered in linen fabric, is proudly on display. 

It's pink, girly and slightly princessy so it fits Grace's expectations.  And, it brings a smile to my face that Grace's big girl room has beautiful tribute to the little girl she will always be in my heart.


  1. lOvE LoVe, love this!! So sweet and what a great way to be able to see that beautiful dress.

    1. BTW-love the new header! I somehow missed it when I first got on here.

  2. What a cute idea, this is such a pretty dress and I love the frame too. Hugs, Marty

  3. This is an very graceful idea for memories.

  4. Love this idea! And you can change it to display other cherished little treasures! Also love your new header....

  5. I love it! Such a cute idea! And I love the frame too! It makes me want to do that with the dress my parents brought me home when they adopted me.

  6. omgosh that is such a great idea!! I never thot about that! cant wait to see it all done!

  7. Perfect! What a lovely idea, and such a beautiful dress.

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  8. that is SO sweet. Looks so cute and now is proudly displayed

  9. I am shocked you didn't keep any baby clothes. You know, you could always have another and keep those baby clothes :)

  10. Amy that is such a beautiful idea, and it does fit the bill for pinky girly and quite frankly what little princess wouldn't want that pretty dress? Gorgeous, I'm glad you waited (procrastinated)it's beautiful

  11. Oh my goodness so so sweet. Love the new blog header.

  12. Aw Amy that is so pretty! Isn't it so fun to get such great ideas from other bloggers? So much better than having it in a box!

  13. What a great idea! I have some baby clothes tucked away, just waiting for me to learn how to quilt. But this idea is a great one (and seems so much easier - and more realistic - than my 'baby clothes lap quilt' plan)!

  14. That looks just beautiful - how sweet!!!

  15. Wow, that's a beautiful idea, Amy. Sentimental and yet, Grace will love it too.
    I think I'm going to set a box of tissues next to my computer though for checking out your blog...My girls haven't been out of the house long enough for these types of posts not to tug on my heartstrings! I'm such a baby, lol.
    Thanks for sharing:) Di

  16. Oh Amy... this is sooo lovely. What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful little girl. This really tugged at my heart strings... and now I'm all misty eyed. Love that it's pink and girly and princessy all in one. I think sometimes fate wants us to procrastinate so we can randomly discover something wonderful. That's what I tell myself anyway. lol.

  17. That's an adorable idea! I can't believe that it was small enough to fit in the frame... sometimes you forget how small they really were. :)


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