
Monday, August 19, 2013

DIY Faux Perfume Vase

Before I share my DIY Perfume Flower Vase, I have a confession to make.

I don't wear perfume.  To be really honest, I don't even like perfume.  I haven't since I was pregnant with Grace.  I don't even like for my husband to wear cologne.  And, yet, I can still admire the labels of a beautifully designed perfume bottle.

Though I may not like the smell of perfume, I do like the smell of flowers.  And, recently, I've been very lucky to have been on the receiving end of flowers.  The flowers have made pretty props to go along with our recent art projects and...

now has provided some inspiration to create yet another glass vase update.

To make one of your own, grab a square vase and create a perfume label in Word.

Apply the perfume label to your vase using either glue or Mod Podge.

Fill your vase with flowers.

 And, enjoy your custom vase and beautiful flowers.

If you liked this vase update, make sure to check out these as well.

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Mellywoods Mansion

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  1. WOW! I thought you snagged someone's empty bottle. You did a great job. That is my mom's favorite and has been for probably over 30 years. Hmmm, maybe she has an empty one laying around.
    I can not wear perfume. I get major headaches and stopped wearing it many, many years ago. Every now and then I try a squirt at a store, but it must be a citrus base made perfume. Still it eventually brings on a migraine.

  2. Like Tasha I thought you had used an empty bottle. It turned out so pretty. :) I don't wear perfume's just something I have to remember when I'm getting dressed in the dark. ;)

  3. Fooled me too - really thought it was an actual Chanel bottle! You have really inspired me now, the wheels are turning in this little cotton wool head of mine :)

    Fab job lady! Hugs, Estelle xx

  4. Oh wow! I would have had no idea that was just a label on a jar. This is so pretty Amy, I really love it :) And I really really want to make myself one (or two) now!

  5. Great idea! And your flowers are just lovely! I can't wear perfume either..too many allergies!

  6. what a great idea!! I never thot about that!

  7. I totally thought you were going to say you cut a Chanel bottle to do this. Your way is much better (and safer!) Very pretty :)

  8. Add me to the list of admirers here, my friend. I thought it was a perfume bottle. Cheap and easy. That's my kind of crafting! Thanks:) Di

  9. That's a beautiful idea, simple to do but very chic! How funny, I can't stand perfume and haven't worn it since I was pregnant with Samuel, and certain one literally make me dry retch to this day.

    1. Thanks for linking up Amy. After our perfume conversation guess what I did at my bloggers event, I had to sit in a hot room while they sprayed men's fragrances.....

  10. Great idea! I love to set fresh cut flowers all over the house. And it is so fun to have fun vases too. Thank you.

  11. Thank you so much Amy. I loved your comment!!!

  12. So beautiful Amy. I haven't worn perfume in ages either. I have bought some through the years just because I liked the bottles, and never actually used the perfume. The bottles are sitting on my vanity still. I just never found one I really liked.

  13. I know that perfume is bad for you - but I love it! It's my guilty pleasure. I understand why you don't like it. My mom is allergic to so many perfumes that I get why "scent-free" environments exist.

    I need to find a good essential oil blend. If you know of one, let me know!

    All that garble aside, I LOVE this vase. Love, love, love it! It's so classic and gorgeous and would make a beautiful birthday gift for the fashionista in anyone's life.

    Well done, Amy!

  14. Love, love, LOVE this! Such a simple but good idea! I will be rushing around trying to find a little square vase as they look fab with fresh roses in like this. Thanks for the inspiration! X

  15. I'm not a huge fan of perfume either. Flowers make the best perfume and you make the best vases!

  16. How simple, yet how awesome!!


  17. so simple and pretty. I love it! It really makes a fun impact as a vase!

  18. Somehow I think you posted this just for me! Chanel No. 5 has been my favorite perfume since I was a little girl because that is what my Grandma always wore.

    1. What a lovely comment and special memory to share. Chanel is timeless and classic. I am sure your Grandma was as well. Thanks for sharing the meaning this post had for you.

  19. What a fantastic idea - looks gorgeous and romantic!

  20. I love this project, and I love Chanel! I have a question though, how do you get the little o after No 5 to be "up there"? I hope this makes sense. Thanks!

  21. Oh my gosh, you're so smart. When I saw the first pic it looked so cute I was ready to go empty out one of my perfume bottles just to do this. But good to know I don't have to! Glad to have found your blog (from Serenity Now) new follower!

  22. What a cute idea for a bathroom! Love it Thanks for linking up!

  23. Stopping by to let you know I will be featuring your DIY vase tomorrow on Made in a Day! Congrats!

  24. Congratulations! You've been featured on this week's Martha Mondays! :) Swing by to pick up a "Featured" button and do a little bragging! :)



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