
Friday, August 2, 2013

This is Me - August Self Portrait Theme Reveal

The Self Portrait theme for the month of July is...

While Wearing Heels

To take a picture you love and try and recreate it. 

My two favorite pictures taken since I started this self portrait challenge were inspired by photos I've pinned in my original photography board on pinterest.

Of course, your inspiration can also come from a family picture you love, a painting, an advertisement...anything at all. 

For me, there is a picture of my grandma that I love, doing what she did best, cooking for the masses (she raised 7 kids!).  A picture, I've been told she hated.  Apparently, she hated being in pictures too.

Ironically, that picture she hated is one that I love.  It embodies so much of what I remember about her.  No one that came to her house ever left hungry.  Even on a budget, she always seemed to be able to feed the masses. 

That picture also reminds me that I even though I am still critical of most of the pictures I am in, they shouldn't just be deleted.  Those pictures still tell a story, they still represent a piece of who I am.  Those pictures I hate, could one day become a picture loved by someone else.


Anytime I am in the kitchen, I think of my Grandma and that picture AND I decided to try and capture my own essence in a similar picture.

The task 'recreating a picture you love' was provided for inspiration but the theme is optionalAll self portraits are welcome.  Feel free to use one of our previous themes (simple moments, reflections, looking down, adding a quote) or come up with a new theme of your own. 

The 'Great Outdoors' July linky party is still open, so if you want to post a link you still have time.  If you haven't already, please go check out the brave women that joined the challenge to show them your support and encouragement.

Don't forget, non bloggers can share their self portrait pictures in the flickr pool OR add your self portrait via instagram.

I'll see you at the end of the month, Friday, August 30th, to see your latest self portraits.


  1. So sweet! I love all of the pictures you've recreated.... they are all so special to you, I am sure!

  2. My favorite is the first and Grace on the dock. Priceless! :)

  3. Grace is going to love all of these pics of you two someday! I know I sure love seeing them!

  4. Such lovely pictures, I need to go through the old photos for this.

  5. Lovely post and so precious pics! My favorite is the second...Life is made of little moments... indeed! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  6. I'm a lot like your grandma, except she couldn't delete her own photos.

  7. Okay - I know that I've been absent from the last two challenges, but I will do my best to join the August one! I need to take more photos of myself anyways (I don't even take selfies with my phone, for pity's sake!)

    I love that you recreated the photo of your grandma. My grandmother was also a cook for the masses. (And now my mother has slipped into that role) I'm going to have to scout out a picture to recreate...

  8. going to do this one! and I LUV that shirt!! I want it


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