
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sunflowers and Memories

Life can get busy and as a result, sometimes, it's easy to forget about the things that really matter. 

These are the times you just want to slow down for a minute, take stock of life and what really matters and smell the roses...or in this case the sunflowers.

Sometimes, you just need to enjoy the day...

and create some happiness and memories in the process.

Sometimes, you just need to take some time and refocus on what really matters.

Hoping you've had your share of happiness and good memories this past month and that you might have captured some of it in pictures.  If so, make sure you come back tomorrow and share your own story in the 'This is Me' self portrait link party.


  1. So right and I love your pics. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  2. Great post! And pictures. LOVE the sunflowers.....did you grow them in your yard?

  3. So beautiful! (The both of you--and the giant sunflower!) How is little miss doing in school these days?

    1. Thanks Elena. Grace is really enjoying school and I am slowly settling into the routine of her being gone.

  4. Beautiful! :) Hope you have a wonderful day.

  5. Great post! I agree with you... sometimes we get carried away and forget about what really matters. I had the chance to really reflect on that during my blogging hiatus. I really needed it... and I'm so glad I did take that time away. :) I love your precious pictures... and I love sunflowers!

    1. Thanks so much Maysem. I am glad you took your break but I am even happier your break is over.

  6. This is so true. We get busy with life and forget to really enjoy the little moments. Love these pictures!

  7. My favourite days are the ones I go to bed thinking I've done nothing but truthfully I have devoted the day to just mucking about with the kids :) they're grown up before we know it

  8. Loveliness, in pictures and words x

  9. Gorgeous! The pictures are fantastic. You both look so lovely. I'm glad you got the chance to take the moment by the hand.

  10. Sweet pictures and nothing could be more true than your words!

  11. What gorgeous gals in that shot. You're so right. Fall should be a time when we slow down... and really start to enjoy each other and the moment!

  12. I think at some point in Grace's life someone is going to say 'you look exactly like your mom'. Like maybe me. Like maybe now.

  13. Oh Amy... truer words have never been spoken. Love the pics and the post.

  14. luv all the sweet pix! y'all look so happy!

  15. very beautiful amy...i like taking pictures and be picture taken too because it is like capturing the memory that you can keep forever.. :)

  16. Love this Amy! If we had stayed on the farm, we seriously considered growing sunflowers. I imagined fields of them!

  17. Your photos are beautiful as ever. As are you and Grace. I'm partial to the black and white.
    Thanks for the touching story to go with it. We all have to take time to smell the roses. Or sunflowers, as the case may be;)


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