
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Dollhouse

The Lalaloopsies and other dollhouse inhabitants have been busy decorating for the holidays.

Pom pom wreathes were hung with care.

Those Lalaloopsies are resourceful, creating their wreathes out of card stock, pom poms and tacky glue.  

Silver garland was hung.

A pipe cleaner tree was decorated using assorted colored small pom poms.

This little house, also has a visitor...

A snowman, created by the talented woodaholic.

A few bottle brush trees wait for presents to be tucked under.

Though I love all the details transforming Grace's dollhouse into a Christmas dollhouse...

I worry that those lazy Lalaloopsies are going to be those neighbors that leave their holiday decorations up well into spring.

There's nothing worse than looking at Christmas decorations in April.


  1. I love the decorations! So much fun! I certainly hope they don't turn into those neighbors! :)

  2. Oh my gosh that is so stinkin adorable

  3. Ha, Ha, I love it.
    Guess what? My boys decorated their Lego City today for Christmas. I might end up posting something a bit like your post today. :-)

  4. I love you. You're the biggest nerd ever.

  5. This is just too cute! I love the little tree. :)

  6. I love this so much I wish Madeleine would play with her doll house I really want to do mini decorations. It's considered bad luck here to put the tree up before the 1st of December or to have it up still by the 6th of Jan....lucky for me I dont believe in luck, I hope the dolls dont either.

  7. I love this... This is just too perfect and fantastic and miniature! All things miniature should be cherished and fussed over.

    I want to do this for my girls' dollhouse. Maybe that will be a Christmas project for us!

  8. How fun! I see fairy gardens in your future!

  9. seriously ... you think of everything! and the pipe cleaner tree ... i see myself diy'n a few! i would not be opposed to leaving these up year round ... they are just too cute! ... on a dollhouse though!

  10. Amy you are the cutest!! I love miniatures... I died when I saw the wreath... and then you took us to the pipe cleaner tree!! Can a tree get any cuter than that?! And as sucker for all things snowman, I definitely love that little guy. With decorations like that, I would keep them up all year long every year!!

  11. How old am I? I would SOOOOO be sitting on the floor playing Christmas doll house.

  12. Maybe I be your daughter? Even little fairies would want to visit you soon.

  13. You decorate the dollhouse?! You put me to shame as I have zero decorations in my actual house!

  14. Too too cute! Although, I have to agree with you that those LaLas are not going to take the decorations down. But, as cute as the decor is, I wouldn't fuss too much.

  15. You have me chuckling away...I have a jingle bell wreath on my front door that did not come down from last year until I bought a new wreath this year!!! Errr....maybe, I shouldn't admit that on the internet....
    Cutest Christmas dollhouse ever!!

  16. I had always wanted a dollhouse. I was so excited when Grace was finally old enough to get one.

  17. Oh, how exciting. We have a very small house. This dollhouse is practically a guest house it's so big :)

  18. Very, very sweet, perhaps the Lalaloopsie family could use some help from the mother-in-law come Spring-time, she could help them take the lights off of their house. :)


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