
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside

It's been cold, even the trees are freezing.

How cold is it? 

Of course that's wind chill.  

Wind chill is a temperature that represents the “feels like” temperature of wind on exposed skin in terms of an equivalent temperature in calm conditions.

So, basically, we have been housebound for 3 whole days.  

No going outside for snow tea parties.


No school.   No grocery shopping.  No driving.  I'm going stir crazy.  

I may not be enjoying these frigid temperatures but it makes me happy to see there are some that are.

Photo curtsey of Brookfield Zoo
If you are experiencing this polar vortex...stay warm.  If you are blessed to be some place warm, enjoy it enough for the both of us!


  1. Yes it is cold. We had a break in yesterday and it was a warm 21 degrees here. But now it's snowing and will be colder again today. Stay warm!

  2. We were housebound for a few days as well but our windchill was "only" -35*-ish lol

  3. Has the little lady been out all week too? We are on our SEVENTH SNOW DAY!

  4. I'm enjoying the snow (no surprise here, right;))... just not driving in it nor the below zero degree weather. Haha. We just went back to school today. Yesterday I did go out only because I had to... otherwise I've been staying home too enjoying my fireplace and hot beverages. I think I'm going go out today and hang out with that polar bear. ;)

    1. I know, me too. There is an awesome picture of a bison enjoying the snow as well.

  5. WOW!! It is cold here, but thank goodness only about -5 :) Stay warm and keep dreaming about the summer!!

  6. Replies
    1. We did! Sent the little one off to school. We got just above zero today. It's amazing how warm that feels after days in the negatives.

  7. Your photo of the frozen tree is amazing. Really amazing. Stay toasty! Protect your pipes!

  8. LOL
    Oh, I know it is cold. We have had -30 to a high of -13 on the bad days.
    Today, when the weather man said, things are getting better, we woke up to -22 and a high of 0! YIKES
    Stay Warm and I am dreaming of warmer days to do some skiing. :-)
    That is real bad...when it is too cold to enjoy winter sports.

  9. I love the pictures of outside but can't even begin to imagine that type of cold. You don't want to hear that it's 80 here so I won't mention it ;)

    I also won't mention Karma is going to get me because its going to be stinking hot next week and I have no air con in the lounge :P

  10. we have been cold...but today we warmed up to a whopping 38°...never thought I would say 38° is a warm up...but it is compared to those minus temperatures

  11. That picture is pretty spectacular! And I agree, the single digits felt warm and wonderful today with the sun!

    1. Thanks Sarah. It is funny, how after a few days in the negative can make 5 degrees feel balmy :)

  12. holy smokes! and we were running around like turkeys with our teens temps (and it was high teens). I luv that pix of the tree u need to print and frame it. are u going to This Is Me this year? I hope so!

  13. Are you getting warmer yet?? You know...if you have a clear night, I think you can see the Northern Lights where you are this evening.

  14. We are warmer (actually 40+ at 6am due to clouds), but we need the snow/rain. California / Nevada are definitely heading for a drought - I just read one of the cross country ski areas near Lake Tahoe is closing due to lack of snow. Hoping you get warmer soon, but could you send some of the snow our way?

    1. I'd happily send some your way, Heather. Just let me know how to do make that happen :)

  15. I have heard from news about cold there. Unfortunately climate changes are getting worse every other year. I hope we will find a solution for this soon.

  16. You poor thing. I can't imagine being stuck in the house for three days. We have rain - heaps and heaps of rain - but nothing that prevents us from getting into the car.

    I hope that the winds change for you soon! :)

  17. While we haven't had school shut down, we have been quite cold for Arkansas. Staying inside as much as possible. We saw temps drop down in the 6 degrees range which is really unusual...brrrrr....that was last week and now (on Sunday) we are in the high 50's. Much better. Hope ya'll are warmer, too!

  18. Loooooove that photo! And what fun snow activities!


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