
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Just Add Flowers

One of the things I enjoy the most about having a little girl, is doing her hair.  Those long blonde locks have been braided, curled, pigtailed, pony tailed, knotted and bunned.

 Those blond locks are usually accessorized with barrettes or bows. 

This time, though, those blonde locks were accessorized with flowers.

Hair in a bun.  Bun surrounded by flowers.

So, next time you decide to dress up your locks remember...

to just add flowers.


  1. Awwww...beautiful! Makes me wish I had a little girl! I wonder if any of my boys would hold still long enough for mommy to put flowers in their hair? Yeah...I don't think so either! LOL!

    1. Thanks Hope! I'm smiling just thinking of you attempting to put flowers in your boys' hair :)

  2. Thanks Amy. She did wear the flowers in her hair to school. Apparently a few fell out during gym class. The gym teacher tried to stick them back in, with no luck! She also wore them in her hair to ballet. I think they were a bigger hit at ballet :)

  3. Oh I love it! Makes me miss my girls long hair. I bet there is still a way to add flowers. Hmmmm ;)

  4. Amy I declare you the winner of the 'Best Mom' award. The things you do with and for your little one are just awesome!

  5. I do agree flowers do add a nice touch... especially fresh flowers. :)

  6. They look beautiful! I agree you are the best mom!

  7. It looks beautiful, she is spring in motion.

  8. What a beauty your daughter is :-)

  9. So beautiful Amy! I always loved doing Aja's hair and was grateful she loved it too and would sit still for the duration.

  10. Grace is so pretty. I love her hair. :-)

  11. awe! so beautiful - a picture of her momma!

  12. So, so pretty! My girls like to rock a bun from time to time. I'll need to remember to add flowers :)

    1. Thanks Elena. I've noticed your girls and their beautiful buns before.

  13. She must have been the most beautiful ballerina :). I thought I saw her pink leotard in the neckline.

  14. Wow. The hair really looks amazing. It is amazing what a flower can do.

  15. awww, pretty little thing. :) My girls do not get anything fun done with their hair. They get braids and pig tails. My oldest has the tangliest hair so I would put it in braids every single day if she'd let me.


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