
Monday, July 23, 2012

Baby Shower Calendar

Thanks to pinterest, I came across a hand drawn 'Guess when the baby will be born' calendar by It's An Occasion.  Seriously, what a brilliant idea.

I knew I wanted to incorporate this idea but I didn't want mine to be hand drawn so...

Using Calendar Wizard in Word, I created a custom calendar.  Calendar Wizard allows you to completely customize your calendar by selecting fonts, colors and text.  Ehow has a great step by step tutorial, if you are unfamiliar with Calendar Wizard.

I decided to add a pink outline around the baby's due date so the guests knew when science predicted the baby to be born.  You can do this by inserting a text box and selecting pink as the shape outline.

When I had the calendar customized to the point I was happy with, I printed it out on 8 1/2 by 11 paper. I took that paper into Kinko's and enlarged and printed it on 12 x 14 card stock.

During the shower, guests used the baby feet stamp and the pink ink {pink because they are having a girl} and filled in their guesses.

Such an easy addition to any baby shower that will be sure to have a BIG impact.


  1. Oh you are so awesome! You think of the best stuff! I would hire you in an instant to cater any of my parties! This was a fun one!

  2. Such a cute idea! Is there anything you cant find on pinterest? Thanks for sharing :) I'll be using this for my sister in laws baby shower!

    1. Thanks so much Rachel. It brought out the crafter in everyone, guests couldn't wait to use the stamper :)

  3. Love this idea!! I have to incorporate this into a baby shower that my sister in law and I are planning. :) Megan

  4. That would be so cute framed in the baby's room! Love it :)

  5. Amy, I knew you had talents, but what mad skills! And what a cute idea!

  6. I agree with Danni - you would make an excellent party/events planner!

  7. I love this idea! I need to add it to the non-game shower activities for Joy. That baby feet stamp is way too cute!

  8. What a great idea! (I came for your freezer paper fabric painting tutorial, but stopped to see other stuff, too. I'm hosting a linky party "One Creative Weekend" at I'd love for you to visit and link up this idea and/or anything else you'd like to share.

  9. There are so many great ways to do baby showers (or just about anything) these days. I love that you put so much into making this special and fun for the guests. And thanks for your super encouraging comment about my Mandevilla planting today. That was very sweet.

  10. Wow this is the greatest idea! I love it and I'll probably have to use this in the future. Thanks for the idea :)

  11. Such a cute idea!! You are making me want to throw a shower for someone:P just one question, what if two people wanted to pick the same date..,or is that not allowed? LOL

  12. That is a really fun idea! I like how you put so much effort into finding fun stuff to do at the shower!

  13. This is such a cute idea. I am now following you on Bloglovin and GFC. I would love for you to visit, follow back and maybe even link up on my Monday linky party.
    Marcie @ I Gotta Try That

  14. Such a great idea. So cute. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.


  15. That's super cute! A few of my friends had betting pools going on when their wives would give birth and it was the same sort of idea (but of course they put real money down cuz they're dudes :-p)

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The Fun In Functional!

  16. Amy - what a super cute idea. I'm pinning it to file away for future reference. ONE OF THESE DAYS MY DAUGHTER WILL GET PREGNANT!!!! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.

  17. This is such a creative idea.

    Mrs. Delightful

  18. Great idea! I will remember this for any future baby showers! Love it!

  19. This is such a fun baby shower idea. I just threw a baby shower, and I so wish I had seen this before. Jodi @

  20. This is such a cute idea! I need to remember it for the next baby shower I host. It was also the most clicked at my link party and I'm featuring it tomorrow! And I'm totally pinning this. Thanks for linking up!

  21. I’m stopping by from Whimsy Wednesday to say hello. This is such a great idea! I'm your newest Facebook page! :) I hope you’ll come visit me at

  22. Hey there Amy! Shared your idea in my baby shower planning post and gave you a link back.. I told you I'd have to use this in the future lol. I can't wait!


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