
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birdie's Big-Girl Shoes

For Christmas we bought Grace, Birdie's Big-Girl Shoes by Sujean Rim.

The illustrations in this book are bold, bright, colorful and clean with great sense of fashion and design. I have visions of matting and framing any of the pages in this book and hanging them in Grace's big girl room {and/or maybe in my new closet}.

The story, paired with these beautiful illustrations, is just as sweet. Birdie, a doe eyed 5 year old aspires to be just like her mom. Birdie daydreams about how glamorous she'll be, if only she'll be allowed to wear a pair of her mom's high heels.

In the end, Birdie realizes that she prefers her beautiful bare feet over the high heels. Such a sweet story about not rushing through childhood.

Of course, this book is a BIG hit with my own little Birdie, who also loves to wear mommy's heels.

*I bought our copy of this book through Amazon. Ironically, when the package arrived, it turns out the Amazon seller was Goodwill. Is this some sort of a sign? Even when I attempt to shop some place other than Goodwill...Goodwill finds me.

1 comment:

  1. Your illustrations are super adorable!


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