
Monday, January 23, 2012

Picnik, say it ain't so.

I just learned that on April 19th Picnik will be shutting down their free photo editing website. I am still in shock over this announcement. It's like preparing to say goodbye to a dear friend you talk to everyday.

As an ode to Picnik, I'll be sharing my favorite Picnik project: Grace, a year in review.

Head over to Picnik and upload a picture that has some empty space to either the left or right of your subject {in this case Grace}.

Under the edit tab select the text tab. Select a font you like and add your text. I entered one line of text at a time, changing the font and font size with each additional line I added. As soon as you enter your line of text, press add. The text will appear on your picture. You can move it around, change the size and/or change the color. Repeat these steps to add more lines of text.

When you are finished, go to the save and share tab and save your picture to your computer.

Enjoy Picnik while you can.

Is anyone else as devastated by this news?


  1. I really love your play felt food tutorials--thanks! My 4 year old daughter is loving all the new food we have made!
    As far as the Picnik software goes, our Cannon camera came with software very similar to Picnik; I use it to add text on pictures. Maybe your camera came with something similar?

  2. Jennie, thanks for the tip to hopefully save me from the despair over losing Picnik. I'll have to check our camera's software {I have a Cannon as well}. I am so glad you have enjoyed the felt food tutorials. Thanks again for all your feedback!

  3. Hi Amy,

    Love what you've done with Picnik! If only my kids loved trips to Home Depot, I'd be a happy camper! I'm sure you're thinking about looking for a photo-editing replacement. Check out PicMonkey, it's a new photo project being built by a few former Picnikers so it's sure to feel just like home. I'm part of the team and would be happy to answer any of your questions and hear your feature requests!

    Sign up on to stay in the know about our launch date. Or shoot me an email with your questions/feature requests!


    1. Ok, you just made my day. I'll come watch your kids so you can go to Home Depot, that's how happy you just made me. I just signed up for Pic Monkey and I can't wait for the launch date.

  4. Amy,

    Just wanted to make sure you're privy: PicMonkey is officially live! Go check it out if you haven't yet & let us know what you think!



I am head over heels you took the time to leave me a comment.