
Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby Blanket Turned Personalize Art

I am at the place in my life where I am packing up baby clothes. Certain pieces have great memories, in particular, Grace's blankets. She has always been a blanket girl SO instead of packing them up in a box, I decided to turn them into a piece of art I could appreciate and showcase.

So, I grabbed one of her blankies {destined for said box} and the following supplies:

Heat n Bond Iron-on Adhesive
Embroidery thread and needle
Embroidery hoop
Background fabric

Decide on a shape, I opted for a 'g' {but you could do something like a heart or a car}. On the smooth side of the Heat n Bond, trace out the mirrored image of the shape. Iron your shape onto the back side of your fabric. Then, once cooled, cut out your shape.

Peel the paper backing of the Heat n Bond off {the back of your fabric should feel tacky}. Stick your shape onto the center of your background fabric {I used plain white fabric}.

Then hand sew your image down using an embroidery hoop, needle and thread. I wanted for a homemade look so I used a running stitch along the inside and the outside of the 'g'.

You can either continue by embroidering a name or word OR you can simply press out the wrinkles and frame it as is...

If you want to add more details...keep on reading.

I decided to embroider GRACE across the 'g' in a brighter pink. Using a water soluble pen, I traced her name out in Freehand 591 {a free font you can download here}. Then, using a line stitch, I embroidered her name.

So, instead of this blanket ending up in a box, it's now ready to be displayed. For the moment, I'll keep it in a frame...

but eventually, I think I'll give it to the 'queen of quilts' to add to a quilt as a personalized square.

The possibilities are endless and the memories persevered are priceless.


  1. Oh, my gosh! That is so pretty! I LOVE how you added her name across the 'g'!

  2. I like it even more the second time reading it! I wish you lived closer so you could teach me how to sew. I just love what you come up with.

  3. This is so pretty! what a wonderful keepsake you created!

  4. This is so sweet amy! I bet grace loves this huh? & what a wonderful way to keep memories with her old blankie alive!

  5. So cute! I read your blog, just wishing I was crafty!
    Left you some blog love...

  6. LOVE! You are such a talent :) (Stop making the rest of us look bad!!)


  7. This is a neat idea. Unlike a blanket, that might stay folded in a draw hidden from everyone, this small piece of memory can be displayed always!

  8. Magical and memories cherished ~ so delightful and creative ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  9. Thank you SO much. I am humbled by the way you described it. Thank you!

  10. I've been thinking about doing something similar with my sons' hand-embroidered blankets, now that they have completed my vision and dream by also having been used by my grandbabies, so it's great to see what you've done with it. I had NOT thought of a quilt...that might be pretty awesome! Great job! Thanks for sharing! I'm following you now; I hope you'll visit back!

  11. WOW, it looks so pretty!!Love it!! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!
    Hope you have a great week!

  12. I love this!!! What agreat idea. Your daughter is going to just love this as she gets older. I really love this idea!! Thanks! I always have fun when I drop by!!

  13. Of all the items we keep when baby
    grows there are so many and sometimes
    we loose most in the shuffle.. but your
    idea is wonderful and I'd like to
    pass this post on to my daughter..

  14. This is such an adorable idea! I definitely want to do something like this.. my kids are still using their baby blankets now, so in a few years maybe :) I would love for you to share this at my link party

  15. I love this - too adorable! Would love to have you join in at my linky party (!

    So glad I found you - I'm a new follower!

  16. That is beautiful! I have all these baby clothes and blankets from my kids sitting in a box. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing. Found you over at The NY Melrose Family.

  17. This is so sweet! What a great way to keep a memory!! Thanks for linking up at Well Crafted Wednesdays!

  18. I don't know how you young moms have time TO BREATHE..and such creative energy. I must tell you when I saw your BLOG BANNER...the phot just GRABBED me and tried to run off to that peaceful spot..
    -am "following"

    1. Jonell, you made my morning! Thank you so much for your incredibly sweet feedback.

  19. This is such a great idea! I love how you preserved the memories so everyone can see it in a cute way! I would love for you to link this to my link party! I know my readers will love it too.

  20. What a cute idea!! I love this! It turned out beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this as well at Thursday's Temptation.

  21. That is so cute, I would love to give my Niece one she's about to have a baby. Thanks for sharing

  22. This is adorable!! I love it!


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