
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dollhouse Progres: Big Picture, little picture

While my handsome husband is busy with the big picture, constructing Grace's dollhouse...

I am busy with the little picture, literally.

When I envisioned Grace's dollhouse, I wanted a room to look as much like her room {the nursery we lovingly decorated when I was pregnant}.  Since we decided to be surprised about the sex of our bundle of joy, we painted her room yellow and went with the theme Guess How Much I Love You {from the book by Anita Jeram}.

Grace's Room
So, it seemed fitting we have these prints represented in her dollhouse room.  I did a Google search and shrunk down the images.  My handy husband made the frames and I used some of the plastic to cover the prints {it gave it the look of glass}.

Honestly, when I first looked at the picture below, I thought it was her actual room.

Grace's Dollhouse Room
Believe it or not, there was something missing.  The first thing I bought, when I found out I was pregnant, was this Friendly Farms Moon.

Grace's Room
So I sewed a little version of this moon and hung a star button from it.  I think this is the perfect finishing touch.

Grace's Dollhouse Room
From the yellow on the walls, to the paneling, to the pictures, to the moon...this room will now live on not only in my memories but also in this dollhouse.

Ok, enough with the sentimental stuff. Time is a ticking. One week left to go so I better get back to painting!


  1. What a great idea! I love the dollhouse, Amy! It's just beautiful. I know your daughter will love it.

  2. I seriously had to check the pictures multiple times to figure out which one was the dollhouse and which was her actual room. Amazing!

  3. Love that its a copy of her room! Thats the cutest idea ever! And I love the mini frames.. love it all! :)

  4. Holy crap Amy, this is AMAZING!!!!!! As in, the coolest thing ever. I want to feature the whole thing when it's finished!

  5. Wow Amy!! Not only is that a wonderful idea... it is the cutest idea!! What an awesome way to preserve the memory of Grace's bedroom. Hopefully this house will be passed down to many generations... how neat would that be? You and your husband are doing such an awesome job... I can't wait to see the house finished!!! You better give us a full tour;)

    1. Thanks so much Maysem. I'll be glad when it's done. These late nights are making me go slightly insane :)

  6. I'm having major dollhouse-envy right now... that is so sweet!

    I have no daughters. I must live vicariously through you.

  7. That is so awesome Amy! It looks so good! Great job.

  8. WOW! That is so cool! I can't believe you guys did that your self. What an awesome job. That's going to be the best birthday present ever!

  9. I am so impressed! That is amazing and every little girl's dream. Way to go mama and papa!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind feedback. I can't wait to see her face when we give it to her!

  10. That is beautiful. So realistic!!!! Can I move in?

  11. OMG!!! This is so gorgeous! Wow! It will be such fun for her to play with it, and at the same time it will look soooo good just standing around!

  12. Hmm... Now I need to decide whether you will be "hedgehog lady" or "dollhouse lady"...

    So amazing :)

  13. omGosh AMY! that is just toooooo cute!! xo

  14. I am speechless! What a fantastic job you and Dave are doing!

  15. I know what you mean about seeing the pic of the room and thinking it was a real grown up room and not a doll house room ...

    ... and oh how jealous I am of that dollhouse! I always wanted one of my own. But a cool one like you're building.

    In fact, there was a dollhouse shop right next door to the vet we used to take our dog too on Belmont. Very obscure place but when you walk in it was like "wow" ... and then the basement room was like "super wow"!



  16. How adorable! I'm about to embark on a dollhouse project for my daughter, I hope it comes out as beautifully as yours has!

    1. I am hoping to do a dollhouse building tips and tricks post next week. The biggest tip I'll let you in on now, instead of a glue gun, we used wood glue and frog tape, it worked SO much better. I am sure yours will be filled with as much beauty and be cherished by whom ever is lucky enough to get it.

  17. Amy this is just amazing!!! Grace is going to love this!!! Especially when she is older. My parents did a doll house for my sisters and I when I was seven and my youngest sister was 2. It's not as beuatiful as yours but it is decorated in the 70's fashion from all the people who gave scraps of wall paper and carpet remnants. It even had lights, and this was in 1972! We loved it and it always made us feel very loved. I can only imagine how your daughter is going to feel, not only when she gets it, but as she grows older!! Just beautiful!!


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