
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Timeless Clock Tutorial

It could be the location of your first date, your wedding, your honeymoon or where your child was born, let those memories remain 'timeless' forever.

First you need a clock.  Mine came from Goodwill {shocking, I know}.  It had great shape and weight and was begging for an updated look. For $6.99, I decided she had to be mine.

Give your clock a pep talk, preparing her for what's to come.  You do not want to 'tick' her off.

Carefully take your clock apart.  You'll need to raid your tool box for things like a wrench and screwdriver.

Do you remember the Vintage World Maps Calendar I got for half off the beginning of the year?  I decided to use one of those maps.  I traced the clock front to the size I needed and cut it out.

Sorry for the lack of pictures for the next few steps.  You'll want to cut out a circle in the center, for the clock hands to fit back into.  Replace the clock front with your map and seal it with Mod Podge or you could even glue it into place.

Take it a step further and add a bead or a pin to the exact location you want to remain timeless.

Put your clock back together and enjoy.

No matter how much time has passed, cherish all your memories.



  1. Amy, this clock is beautiful, I love the vintage map behind it, it gives it a whole new look, and looks great. Very good idea I like this transformation, thank you for sharing.

    1. Aw...thanks so much Erika. I hope my little clock isn't 'ticked' that she got a makeover :)

  2. I love that! I've yet to find a clock worth buying at Goodwill, but I'll keep trying!

  3. Congrats on making it through--your clock really is cool!

  4. Your "after" clock is definitely something I'd welcome into my house; the "before" clock, not so much. :)

    Congrats on a successful project!

  5. I love it! So gorgeous. You have mad skills girl. Seriously. I would love that clock in my home. I just would not love making it :)
    Even though I am still not sure what mod podge is.

  6. Amy this is so cute! Such a great idea! Ill be on the hunt for some clocks now :)

  7. Very cute! Thanks for linking up!

  8. So beautiful! Love the symbolism as well. I am making one for sure! I just have to keep my eyes open at Goodwill. ;o)

  9. Love this idea!

    But I have to make a confession: I am a modge podge virgin. Shhh! Don't tell the Crafting Authorities. They will totally revoke my membership card.

  10. So sweet and unique. I love it! It's such a statement piece. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.

  11. This is brilliant and so adorable! I am so going to be on the lookout for a clock so I can do this!!! Pinning. :)

    1. Flattery will get you everywhere. Thanks for the compliments and the pin!

  12. I love this clock! I saw it on One Crafty Contest and voted for it, so I'm really glad you're moving on to the next round! I have a brand new link party going on and I'd be thrilled if you'd link this up!

  13. That looks great, a real conversation piece!

  14. This looks A-mazing! I just adore map decor.. Hope you will hop over to my under 300 followers blog hop @
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  15. This would make a cute wedding present! You could note bride and groom birthplaces, where they met, and the honeymoon location. Thanks for sharing your project. Came over from Blogstalker.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  16. So very fabulous! Thanks for the tutorial! Saw you over at Two Yellow Birds!

  17. Well, you are just too clever! I love maps and in a clock is fantastic! Thanks for the great idea!

  18. SO adorable! Love the map idea.

    ~Steph @ Silver Boxes

  19. This is beautiful! Super idea! I'm pinning and I'm now following!

  20. Yikes I missed voting!! Been running around like a mad woman and trying to catch up on blog land. I was so excited to see you made it to the next round!! This is an awesome idea...especially love the part of marking that memorable spot.. brilliant idea!! Can't wait to see what you have for the next round:) So proud of you Amy!!

  21. I just love this clock!! I'm getting ready to do a Master Bedroom Makeover and this would fit just perfectly!!! Thank you for sharing your skills! I'm going to try it!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  22. This is such a cute idea! Thanks so much for sharing it! Found you via Serenity Now link up! Hope you have a great weekend!

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  23. Just found you via chic on a shoestring and will be staying a while to see more. That clock is beautiful, and a great use for an old map. Totally going to be doing this with an old clock I have and a map of our honeymoon location. Thanks for the inspirations!

  24. I LOVE the new clock!! It looks so pretty with the map! Great job!!! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  25. Oh my--this is amazing! you have my mind spinning with ideas on upcyling a clock!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This is beautiful! I love that at first glance it looks like a globe. I’d love for you to share this project on Tuesday’s Tidbits @ Naptime Delights:

    Thanks so much!

  28. What a fun and clever idea! Thanks so much for sharing it with us last weekend at Inspiration Friday! :-)

  29. Wow, I'm so taken with this project. So cute! And I love the idea of marking one particular area. Well done!

    Warmly, Michelle

  30. This is fantastic! I love the map. Pinned! Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  31. I love this!! I featured you today! Stop by and link up again this week!

  32. I love this clock! I have featured it on this week's Blog Stalking Thursday. Thanks for sharing! I would love for you to stop by, grab a feature button, and wear it proudly!

  33. This is the best idea EVER! Thanks for the tutorail. I'm off to GW to find the perfect clock.

  34. I like! A lot! I am so going to do this!

  35. Beautiful execution of a great idea! You are featured this week on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy! Hope you will stop by and grab a Featured Button this afternoon. Can’t wait to see what other project you’ve been working on — hope you will link again soon!

  36. Hi! I saw your well-deserved feature at A Pinch of Joy. I just had to visit and get the full tutorial. This is a great project! I'm pinning it to my craft board. Now, I'm on the hunt for an old clock.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  37. What a great idea, Amy! You are so so creative. Megan

  38. Absolutely love this! You found the perfect clock for it. Such a creative idea, Amy!

    1. Thank you so much. I guess I was in the right place at the right time for the clock :)

  39. Hahaha, isn't it funny how you get drawn in by certain projects? I saw this on It Pays to be Cheap Challenge and clicked and of course it was you. It just kind of cracked me up. You made this before I became a follower.

    Love this by the way!

  40. This is truly GENIOUS! I Love the simplicity of the project and it turned out beautifully!Great clock:)

  41. I Love this idea !!!
    New Follower , Francine

  42. I love this! Thanks for the idea!

  43. I love this! Maps and globes are some of my obsessions. Oh, and clocks too! I'll absolutely be putting this tutorial to use before long.

  44. Thanks so much for this great idea. I love it. Just pinned it.

  45. Love your blog and this project - so creative and fun! Just wanted to let you know I featured it in my roundup of clock re-dos and makeovers here. Feel free to check it out if you want and hope you like it! : )

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist

  46. I am going to college out of state and was looking for a thoughtful gift to give my boyfriend who will be staying here. I found this and absolutely love it! I ordered a free map off the state tourism website and will be making a clock that includes my college town. :) I'm also going to set the clock two hours behind so he always knows what time it is where I am. Thank you so much!

    1. What a lovely take on this tutorial. Such a thoughtful gift, one sure to keep you on your boyfriend's mind. I adore that you'll be setting the clock to the time zone you'll be one. Your boyfriend is one lucky guy. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this sweet comment.


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