
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Confession Thursday

I have a confession to make. I am pillow obsessed.

I just made 2 more pillows.

Darn you Hobby Lobby and your super cute chevron fabric.  

I have another confession to make, just below the perfectly posed picture of my pillows...

Most of that I can blame on Grace {yes, she even flips through my Better Homes magazine} BUT this...

I have to blame on my crafters attention deficit disorder.  At least it's not another pillow :)


  1. Amy...your Illinois silhouette on your pillow has reminded me to ask you if you belong to the Midwest Bloggers group? If not, here's the link: It's now a closed group {to protect personal info}, but Jaime will get you in! {She's from}

  2. Are you in Illinois? Did I know that? 'Cause I'm in Illinois and it's just super.

    The hubs and I are waiting for a certain living room set to go on ridiculous sale... and when it does I'm going to be making pillows myself. That fabric is too cute!

    I cannot, for censorship reasons, take a picture of my floor. The crumbs are far too graphic. You are a brave woman.

  3. Love the "other" picture! My "other" picture today has string cheese and legos!

  4. HAHA! Your pillows look great and I love the other pictures as they remind me of my house;)

  5. Hmmm... And I thought yesterday was confession day ;)

    (Cute pillows, btw. Love the IL pillow!)

  6. Ha! Love it! We sure do know how to carefully compose our shots don't we. Thanks for stopping by Quirky Vistas to say hi and leave me a sweet comment!

  7. I like both pictures. As long as it isn't ankle deep, I love that there is play going on in your house. On both your parts.

  8. I am so with you on the pillow obsession..LOL!! Love the chevron fabric! As an organization freak, I confess I struggle with keeping my craft space I'm with you on that I'll blame it on crafter's attention deficit disorder too:P

  9. So that's what you call it, I knew it had to have a name, my crafters attention deficit disorder, and I think it's contagious, alot of blogland is infected! Cute pillows! Cute post, brave of you to post your little "mess"

  10. Lovely! Both your new pillows and the view of the carpet. makes me feel much more relaxed!
    hugs to you

  11. Visiting from the blog hop. The pillows look great. Your house looks like a home.

  12. Love it! I often laugh when I'm taking pictures because what I really need to do is turn around and take pics of all the stuff I hauled out of the room and piled up behind me!

  13. Hobby Lobby...really?? Must get that fabric! I love pillows too :)


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