
Friday, June 1, 2012

What is she up to?

I've been inspired by 2 rubber balls and a portable dust pan, all of which I found at the dollar store.

Any clever guesses what you think I could be up to?

Only one way to find out for sure what it is... come back on Monday and find out!

This is what they call in blogland a cliffhanger.


  1. I KNOW! I KNOW! Pick me! I totally know what you are doing! I don't know if I want to guess so publicly though as to not ruin any surprises?! I think that what you are making starts with a "b" and ends with a "l". Am I close?

  2. I am intrigued!!! I'll be back on Monday for sure!

  3. Looks like some sort of game we'd come up with at our house to occupy kids on a rainy day! Ha! Could it be? Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a nice note about my photos. So sweet!

  4. The only thing I can think of is a kids game but I bet it's something way cooler than that!

  5. Seriously.

    A cliff hanger? Is that fair!

    hahahaha! I guess I will have to tune in Monday!

    Have a wonderful day!


  6. Hey wait..don't start without me on Monday
    Like Gramma's House Blog

  7. Love it - a cliffhanger!!! What ever it is I bet it will be fun!

  8. I'm intrigued! Some sort of game?

  9. My guess is some sort of game too. But what game exactly I have no clue. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve:D

  10. giggle I look forward to the big reveal! Hopping over from the bloglovin hop. Following you now xo

  11. Either indoor hockey or it has to do with fake food. In my house of course that would just be a normal shot of my dining room floor at any given moment.

  12. a new party game? to protect the parents from the little guests?
    will definitely come back tomorrow to check it out!xxx


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