
Friday, July 13, 2012

The Great Dollhouse Reveal - Part 2

A few months ago, we started putting together the Beacon Hill dollhouse kit for Grace's 4th birthday.  The process was much more time consuming than we could have imagined.   

The pictures, the kit provided, of the dollhouse looked exactly like this...

Yesterday, you got a tour of the outside of Grace's dollhouse.  I'd say, we came as close to their version as possible, with a few of our own extra touches {like the stained glass copula window}.

Today, we {Grace and I} would like to invite you to come on in and take a look around the inside, and you can let me know what you think of our version.

So, let's start the tour in the foyer.  Feel free to hang your coat up on the coat rack. 

Care for a quick snack?  We prepared a cake for your visit.  

Perhaps you want to play a tune on the piano.  We could have a sing-a-long, though, neither Grace nor I have very good voices and these days we like to sing Princess songs.

Shhh.  There's a baby sleeping in the nursery.  You may notice, this is a nearly exact replica of  Grace's room.

From the crescent moon, to the molding, to the crocheted baby blanket, to the Guess How Much I Love You prints. we tried to capture every detail of the room we brought Grace home to.

We tried to capture every detail of the room we brought Grace home to.  

While we are on the landing, you can help yourself to a gumball, if you would like.

The living room is still a bit bare but feel free to come on in and take a peek.

We are continuing our search for the perfect living room set.  For now, we'll just enjoy the unobstructed view of the gorgeous molding.

Need to freshen up a bit?

I'll give you a minute in the bathroom.

Watch out for the wagon as we head over to the bedroom.

And, last but not least, the bedroom.  The furniture given to us by Hopeful One, from the dollhouse she had when she was a child.  Seriously, how sweet is that?

The most recent addition to the dollhouse, a gift for Grace's 5th birthday, a bunny hutch filled with bunnies, which is fitting since she had a bunny themed birthday party.

All the details for the inside of the dollhouse {the crown molding, the board and batten, the baseboard, the paneling} all thought of and executed by my husband, as in, they were NOT part of the kit.

He completed this dollhouse with such care for detail, I can't wait to say:  if you can build a dollhouse from a kit, you certainly can build an exact replica in life size form for me to live in.

*And, if the humor of that last part is lost on you, this post will clear it up for you.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting Grace's dollhouse.  


  1. The only words I can come up with are: HOLY COW. Everything about this is amazing!!! Grace is one lucky little girl!

  2. Really really stunning! I would like a gumball please ;o)!!!!

  3. He can totally build a life-size house, but he's going to need a lot of little shingles.

  4. What an amazing job you guys did! WOW, it is so beautiful!!! Can I please move into the big house once your husband is done with it?
    hugs to you xxx

  5. BAHAHA!! I cannot wait to hear his reaction when you say that to him:) What an amazing present for Grace!

  6. Oh my goodness, this is a gorgeous dolls house! And I love those photographs! It can't be an easy thing to take pictures of. The coat on the coat rack is a really sweet touch.

  7. This is awesome!! What a lucky little girl Grace is. You guys did an amazing job!

    1. Thanks so much Lisa. I always wanted a dollhouse growing up so we may have overcompensated making sure she had the best version of a dollhouse we could make :)

  8. I love it! I can't get over her room in the dollhouse. Everything is absolutely stunning.

  9. Charlotte and I are coming to play! Wow!!!! What a beautiful gift that Grace will no doubt spend countless hours playing with. It will also be on heck of a keepsake for her as she gets older. Love all of the extra details and the fact that y'all replicated her room. Super sweet. Bravo, mom & dad!

  10. Thank you for inviting me to tour your lovely dollhouse. I absolutely love it! You guys did an amazing job. How lucky Grace is to have such wonderful parents.


  11. Can you make meeeeee one?! Hehe, just... wow. Seriously loveliest dollhouse EVER! But I must ask, where are the people who live inside this house? And please do give my congratulations to your husband, the craftsmanship is just exquisite, both inside and out :) It's amazing all the little tiny pieces they make for dollhouses. Thanks for sharing!!

  12.!! Amazing!!! So glad you gave us a tour. You guys did a beyond exceptional job.. I'm in awe over this dollhouse! Grace is truly a luck gal!!

  13. First of all, you photographed it so well they look almost like real rooms, and I'm sure all that detail helped. What a gift! It's official, she'll be obsessed with house, home and decorating throughout her life with this newfound passion that you've instilled in her at a young age. She's bound to be hooked. I'm just so mesmerized by the whole thing. Congrats on a job so very well done!

  14. That house is full of amazing details. I love the molding on the walls.'s gorgeous.

  15. i love that you replicated grace's art on the nursery wall too! the doll house is such a special treasure that she will cherish for a lifetime!

  16. That is just so amazing! I love all the details and replica of Grace's room right down to the art ... I'm so coming over to play with your dollhouse! I heart them so much ...


  17. WOW! I am dying to come over and play!

  18. That takes me back to my childhood, I so loved playing with the doll house. Loved it.


  19. That is the sweetest thing ever. She will love it!

    1. Thank you so much. I'll take your royal compliment with pleasure :)

  20. Beautiful! I love it. I am also working on a doll house for my daughter. We are kindred spirits!

  21. I know a niece with two daughters of her own -- and her fourth birthday dollhouse is still unfinished! A lot of work -- you did a beautiful job and the added mouldings and trim ont he inside take it over the top! You are featured this week on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy! I hope you will stop by and grab a Featured Button from the Button Box on the sidebar this afternoon. Pinned.

  22. Beautiful!
    What a lucky little girl and 2 talented parents!
    I have built a dollhouse from a kit,and know how tricky some of those parts are to fit! My houses are stored in the basement, away from little hands right now. But one day, I would love to make one like that for our little girl. ~

  23. I don't think I ever saw this! Excuse me as I pick my jaw up off of the floor!!! (Beautiful, and absolutely amazing detail by your husband!)

  24. Amazing! My goodness it must have taken ages. The nursery has to be my favourite, just Wow - yep I'm gushing I want a cool doll house!

  25. Okay, here's my random comment! :)

  26. WOW...I had chills as you took me through the tour. You and your husband get the award for best parents EVER. What a memorable and thoughtful gift for Grace. She will cherish that dollhouse and the memory of receiving it for her entire life. I couldn't be more jealous. I really want a dollhouse for myself. I think my husband might think I'm crazy if I came home with one. And there's no way I could let Jake play with it...all of the windows and shingles would be gone the instant I put it on the ground. My favorite part of all though is the nursery. Absolutely amazing. This might be my favorite post yet. I love that these old posts make sneak appearances in the new ones :-).

  27. I would love to add some molding and baseboards to my dollhouse and the new one my husband is building for our granddaughters! Where did you find that and the bunny hutch? Love them!


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