
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm going to 'dye'...

This past weekend, I attended and planned {but that's a story for a different day} a baby shower for my cousin in-law.

I decided I wanted to make the baby to be a few personalized things so...

Feeling brave, with my Rit dye in hand

and some long sleeved white baby onesies,

I experimented with some dying techniques. 

This was so much easier than I expected.  I followed the directions on the box, without any incident. 

I'd have to say, for my first attempt, I think I had great success.

But, you don't think that's all I did to them, do you?

Come back tomorrow and see how I personalized them.


  1. What a great shade of yellow! So rich! I can't wait to see how you personalized them. I am taking meticulous notes and will be stealing this idea...just so you know. ; )

  2. Of course that's not all you did! I can't wait to see how you "took it up a notch" or maybe even way over the top! You never know with you!!

  3. oh i cant wait! and yes a wonderful deep shade of yellow. i'm so glad to know its not as hard as it seems. i'm always scared to dye!

  4. They are so cute in that yellow. I have had some Rit dye in my Amazon cart for about two weeks now. Maybe you'll inspire me to actually buy it. :)

  5. Those are to DYE for :P Now you've got me hooked, waiting to see what's coming next! :)

    1. I love that you jumped right on the pun bandwagon :). Thank you so much for the sweet comment.

  6. Amy, love the "happy" yellow. I've never dyed anything before, don't know why. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. I can't wait to see what you did with them. I have an old bridesmaid's dress that I would love to dye. It's off white and I will never wear it "as is" again, so there's not much to lose... but still, it's kind of scary!

  8. I am terrified of dye! But these turned out great!!!

  9. Are you going to turn those babies into bananas?

  10. Ha ha ha! Soo funny.. you were going to DYE! You crack me up.. and I just adore the color.. can't wait to see how you fancy them up!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  11. I love the color and your skill! I'm not ready to attempt to dye anything yet...even though I have some pieces of clothing I would love to transform.

  12. I've wanting to dye too but scared to do it;) Thanks for giving me more confidence to do it! Can't wait to see how you personalized them!

  13. oh i can't wait! i love using dye for stuff. i did some shirts for my girls a few years ago and keep thinking i will do it again but never get around to it!


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