
Monday, October 29, 2012

Grace's Closet The Big Reveal

Grace's closet is done.

As with every home improvement project, there is always something unexpected that occurs.

For this project, the custom shelves my husband labored over, considering every detail to make Grace's closet perfect, were the culprits.

The problem, he measured very accurately from wall to wall BUT he forgot to take into account the baseboards and that the that our very old plaster walls are not straight. 

So, he decided to remove the baseboards...

And remove a random 2 by 4 that was attached to the middle of the wall.

And, anyone that has plaster walls can probably guess what happened...the plaster walls began to crumble.

Ah, the joys of home improvement projects.

After a week of repairing the holes and repainting, we were able to put Grace's closet back together.

Some  toys found a new home.

Shoes were put into place.

But, let's not forget, Grace shares this closet with her dad's tee shirt collection.

Which can be found occupying every free shelf.

Believe it or not, he actually thinned out some of his collection and donated them.

He also keeps treasures in this closet, stored in an old machinist tool box we found at a flea market {that he polished up}.

To recap, Grace's closet went from this...

To this...

From this...

to this...

The closet is finally done.

And, I am now happier than a pig in, know what :)


  1. I just giggled. That last photo gets me every time.

    Great redo!

  2. Wow - love that closet transformation!! You guys really did a lot of work and a fantastic job!! Love those little red shoes too ;) Grace looks so cute in her pig costume!! You must be so happy the closet is finished! I have to buy some bookshelves and organize R's bedroom too, now seeing this, you have given me the little kick in the pants I needed to get on with it! Hugs!

  3. You all are so talented. What a great project and the storage is amazing. I plan on doing lots of organizing in closets today if the power goes out due to Hurricane Sandy that's roaring through here.

  4. LOVE it! You guys are crazy-talented. (And funny ;)

  5. You posts are so fun to read! I love the polished box!

  6. I wish my husband was handy like yours! We could use a closet makeover or 4 here.

  7. Great job..and of course we know a 'little one' can never appreciate this finished project like you do..and that's okay. lol so many of the focused,labor and time intensive projects we take on mean more to "us" than anyone else in the house..each a LABOR OF LOVE!
    [you are on my BLOG LIST & i love keeping in touch to see what you are doing}

    Like Gramma's House

  8. Good for you for just going with it, and getting it done :) even if it means removing base boards! We are in the midst of a kitchen cabinet paint job and everything is a huge mess. Today is the completion of the job and I'm looking forward to putting everything back in it's place!


  9. Great job! I hear ya about plaster...we have an "This Old House" too. :)
    I would not trade the character of is too special.

  10. She is seriously so adorable!

    This post just reminds me how badly I need to work on organizing my closets...

  11. nice work...I guess I am not very familiarwith plaster walls!

  12. That turned out so great! I love the pig costume, too cute!

  13. Wow!! Your hubby did a fabulous job! He must have patience to keep going and not give up... kudos to him!

  14. Amy, I have closet envy! This is fantastic, I'm very proud of you for getting that T shirt collections reduced, nice job on both accounts! Grace is just the prettiest pig ever!

  15. Awesome Amy! Isn't organization just the best! It looks wonderful :)

  16. The closet looks awesome Amy! I live in a century home so I know exactly what you mean about those troublesome plaster walls. It turned out really great, and Grace is a real cutie!

  17. Great job! I hate dealing with plaster walls and that's what I have except in the addition.


  18. All hail the closet transformation.


  19. that really looks organized now :) i bet everytime you see it you remember the hardwork that you & your husband put into it...totally worth it!


  20. how in the world did i miss this post?!?! it's awesome, very similar to what we wanna do with cor's. i wanna do like older or european homes do where there are cabinet doors above the closet to to use the space there. any ideas how to add those doors? i'm thinking he would have to frame out the area like you would with reg doors just with the smaller dimensions? of course i'm thinking about just having him take the sheet rock out and trimming it out and hanging a curtain rod with curtains.


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