
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Toilet Paper Roll Bats

Thanks to La-Dee-Da Creatations, I discovered I am a fan of bats..
.in toilet paper roll form, at least.

For a quick, easy and inexpensive craft to get you in the mood for Halloween, this project is perfect

Gather the following supplies:
Black paint
Toilet paper roll
Googly eyes
Black paper

Paint the toilet paper roll black.  When it fully dries, flip the top of the roll down and over to close.

Cut some black wings out of card stock and glue on some googly eyes to finish off your bat.

 Then, add your bat to your Halloween decorations.


  1. So cute and simple! You can use it as candy packaging... just fill and fold on the other side too! Or you can add string on top and having them "flying" around. ;)

  2. That's hilarious. A cute, easy school craft I could do at work even!

  3. So fun! Cute by your dad's gourds too! Pinning this to do with Jacob! Thank you ma'am!

  4. I see you took the same Easy Peasy Craft Class I took! So cute!

  5. So cute, Amy! Great craft for halloween.
    Mary Alice

  6. Oh that's a really cute idea - The only bats I'd want hanging around. Elizabeth would love making these.

  7. This is just simple enough that I like it, and folks would be able to tell I made bats. So I'm pinning it.


  8. Too cute! But now I'm distracted by that little piggy ...



  9. Hi Amy, How cute! Fun,fast crafts are the best! You rock as usual:) Di

  10. Aren't you just the craftiest thing around! I love this, especially as a fun, after-school project with the girls. I wonder if you could fold it differently or something and make an angel for Christmas? I'm all about some easy crafting. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  11. Oh my, they are so sweet! I had a big clean-out on the weekend and threw my whole collection of toilet rolls away. Arrrgh....
    But i guess they will look cute to after Halloween :-)

  12. what a cute little way to make a bat! love it

  13. These are soo adorable.. I am going to make them with my little guys Kindergarten class on Wed.. so thanks for the inspiration! Oh and I featured your Sweet Little Pig Grace on my Pink Hippo Party!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus


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