
Monday, November 19, 2012

Gone Fishing...

Before you get visions of this girl baiting her hook with worms in hopes of catching a big fish, the kind of fishing I'm doing today, thanks to Minieco, looks more like this...

These cute little fish

are made from plastic dividers from the dollar store. 

A package includes yellow, blue, red and green plastic sheets and allows you to make12 sets of fish.

To make a set of your own, you can find the tutorial and the fish template are over at Mini-Eco.

When you've completed your set, throw them in the bath

for some bath time entertainment.

Or fill up a plastic bucket with some water and listen with delight to the stories your child will tell about the big fish that got away.


So, grab your fishing pole and head over to Minieco to learn how to make your own set.


  1. Well how fun is that?!! I'm guessing your Grace is loving it! So clever and so inexpensive...genius!

  2. That's adorable. Is that a magnet on the end of the fishing pole?

  3. What a fantastic idea! It looks like a great activity to do when it's too cold to go out and play.

  4. sounds like a great idea even for a kiddie pool in the summer. Will definitely keep this one in mind!

  5. Oh fun! I'm thinking this would be great for my little ones and the nephews for Christmas day fun.

  6. Fun!! And your little lady is such a doll!

    Annnnnd I like peeking at your decor behind your little doll!

  7. What a darling idea! Just pinned and to plan to make some for my little girl. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Oh I love this idea! It's so adorable.. and it would be such a cool gift too... include a tin container with it as well!

  9. such a great idea!! and my target dollar spot has the miniture paint tins i might just have to make some of these as gifts. and your "model" is just sweet as pumpkin pie!!!

  10. I am pinning this. We make all our gifts for the grandkids for Christmas, and I think the 2 year old needs to go fishing.


  11. What a cute idea! I tell you - you are the best Mom!

  12. love it - we did a similar things with magnetic letters - but this is way cuter! x

  13. Aww.. this is sooo stinking cute.. be it would be a great party activity too!


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