
Friday, November 16, 2012

You've got my number...

Yesterday, I asked for your best guess on what you thought the numbered tag were...

that we found in this old machinest tool box.

I was positive they were some sort of tag for a hotel room and Elena at A' Casarella guessed the same thing.  It pains me to admit, we were both wrong. 

I have some clever readers.  Rea at Home For4 Sweet Home guessed that the tags were to used to prioritize projects.  Wrong but kind of a fun idea, I think I might try that with my husband's to do list. 

Daniela at Frugal Ain't Cheap suggested their purpose was to give a vintage look to baskets.  Again, wrong but it made me giggle and think of my get cozy basket.

Two of my brilliant readers, Holly at Full Circle Creations AND M.Breitel guessed correctly. 

Can you believe these brass tags, which we cleaned up using briwax, were used for cows?

Since we don't have any cows, maybe I'll take Jill at Sew a Fine Seam suggestion and turn them into jewelry.  My only concern, someone might confuse me for a cow :)


  1. hahah you can always turn that as a jewelry, and for sure nobody would confuse you as a cow!! :) you sure don't look anything close to a cow woman!


  2. Jewelry would be so cute! No one would ever think you were a cow!

  3. Ha! That's so neat. I think jewelry is a great idea. ;)

  4. ...again...those would look super good hanging on similar baskets on a shelf... :)

  5. So many uses for them now besides for cattle...which you definitely wouldn't be mistaken for. Although I'd love to see a cow wearing high heels! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I walked through some occasional stores today and wanted to know what every tool and knickknack was. I'm so glad you know what your treasures! How big are the number tags?

  7. i'm with Daniela i would totally use them on baskets just for a cutesy effect. or if you have rooms that lock you can enlarge, color copy on cardstock, frame and hang on the door with the cooresponding number on the key.

  8. Fun find! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  9. Lol! No one will *ever* confuse you with a cow, my friend! I still can't believe we were wrong!

  10. Ah ha ha ha ha....... I'm gonna be suspicious now if anyone gives me a charm or necklace that even remotely looks like these brass tags.


  11. Interesting! I would have NEVER guessed!!!

  12. hahaha....You are WAY too precious to be mistaken for a cow, so make your cow necklace and wear it with pride! I absolutely would have NEVER in a million years guessed they were used for animals...good to know. :-)

  13. I would have never guessed that! That's pretty neat though.. and they would make a fun jewelry piece! I can't wait to see what you do use them for :D

  14. How much more cool for cows than the plastic they use today! Haha! And no one is ever going to mistake you for a cow! Make some cool jewelry and if you have too many you could always share the cool jewelry with me :) LOL!

  15. Just had to comment again - i asked my hubby if he knew what these were and he knew right off - I figured he would - he grew up on a dairy farm! He says they are pretty big - I totally think you need to make some jewelry at least with one of them! Add some other cool bling! I want to find some of these sometime I just love them!

  16. Wow, that is different and interesting. I am curious to see what you will make with these babies. jewelry would be awesome and I love the tag ideas...Thanks for visiting Amy.

  17. No one would or could every confuse you with a cow! But I just adore that they came from cows ... my husband works for the dairy industry. In marketing. Not farming. I don't think the neighbors would approve of a herd of cattle in our backyard. In fact, PETA would take issues as well ...


  18. Cows - Never would have guessed that, I think you'll be safe, however err on the side of caution and avoid branding irons :P

  19. Love your brass numbers. You'll have fun using them in some great creative way, I'm sure!
    Mary Alice


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