
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Cards of the Past

If you hadn't already noticed, I like to interject a bit of humor and levity in my life and my posts.

My Christmas cards are no exception.

The first year we sent out Christmas cards we went with the naughty and nice theme.

Ironically, it was easier to take pictures of naughty, with the bribe of a treat.  Nice was a bit of a challenge.

The next year, the pressure was on to try and top our naughty and nice card. 

We gave naughty the year off and went with some career humor:

Grace holding a letter written to Santa with a thought bubble that says:

'And if I don't get everything on my list, my lawyer will be in touch with your lawyer about a little legal issue we call breach of contract.'

Grace even had her lawyer {her daddy} on retainer.

I thought it was funny but people were disappointed Riley didn't make the picture.  

So, back by popular demand, the next year included Grace and Riley.   This time, both models were bribed with treats...Santa's treats.  Grace happily ate Santa's cookies and Riley happily lapped up Santa's milk {peanut butter filled cup}.

Last year, I couldn't think of anything witty so we went with a simple message about believing...

and made sure to include Riley.

This year, we tried to bring the funny back and left Riley out...

But, I'll have to leave you in some least, until I mail this year's card out.


  1. Hahaha, your dogs expressions always crack me up! Can't wait to see this years

  2. How lovely! Riley is so funny :-). As are your cards.
    Very curious to see what you come up with this year
    hugs xxx

  3. Oh my goodness...these are too cute. I really love the one with Riley drinking out of Santa's mug. :)

  4. You are so creative! (...and funny). Love the cards...we are usually boooooringggg in that department

  5. grace is so adorable! i like the naughty and nice pic :) too cute!


  6. Cute! But I have to warn Grace. First it's posed Christmas cards, which may then morph into this ;)

  7. Baha - I love the 'naughty/nice' picture...I have the naughty dog, now I just need a nice baby :)

  8. How fun to get to see these! I can't wait to see this year's big reveal ;)

  9. Oh my goodness that naughty or nice card is hilarious! One of the best I've seen :) But the "believe" pic is beautiful too!

  10. i can't wait to see what this year's is! i luv all of them.

  11. Oh how cute are they! I love the lawyer one, especially if hubs is a lawyer, although the look of delight as they ate Santas treats was pretty cute.

  12. Amy are so creative and hilarious... always full of wit! I loved every single one of those cards... just too cute! I can't wait to see this year's card!

  13. Ohmygosh. I wish you lived in Missouri. Like five minutes away.

  14. :) I love them all! I need to do Christmas cards - no inspiration yet this year!

  15. Oh Amy!! Those are hilarious! The first one is my favorite!!

  16. I love them! Grace is positively gorgeous, and Riley--well, Riley is fantastic, his expressions crack me up! That last picture is so funny, you gotta wonder what he is thinking!!!

  17. When I look Riley in the eyes it's like he's seeing deep into my soul ...

    Love your xmas humor!

    :) Linda

  18. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Unlike Linda, when I look in Riley's eyes I see "give me my damm treat".


  19. Lol those cards are adorable!! Especially the lawyer one. She's got a future in the legal business ;)

  20. Those are all so funny and Grace and Riley are such good models! I always end up taking dozens of shots of my kids until they refuse to pose anymore.


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