
Monday, January 7, 2013

Magical Birthdays

I may or may not had mentioned to my husband that my birthday, which was December 12th, needed to be magical.  It was a once in a lifetime kind of birthday, after all, 12-12-12.  I was partially joking AND I originally had no intention of doing a 'birthday' post BUT...

Magically {and blog worthy} is exactly what he delivered.

Throughout the day, I stumbled upon groupings, hidden around our house, that contained 12 items and a funny note.

12 gold coins.

12 Barbies.

12 pink paper clips.

12 pink lizards.

12 rubber ducks.

12 erasers.

12 ninjas.

And 12 tiaras with a note that read:  Your Prince shall come (at 12:12 today) to take you to the ball.

My prince did arrive at 12:12 to take me to the ball...aka Grace's winter ballet recital.

And, in every sense of the word, my birthday truly did feel magical.

And, this man, I am certain is happy that once in a lifetime birthdays truly do only come once in a lifetime. 

Though, 12-12-13 sounds kind of magical too.  Don't you agree?


  1. This is the sweetest idea ever! How creative is MR. WWH? :) Love it!!!

  2. Amy that is just the sweetest, best birthday gift ever! I LOVE that he wrote all those sweet romantic notes to you! My hubby is definitely going to see this post!!!! Happy Birthday!
    and I would say every birthday should be magical - he just does too good a job making it that way;)

  3. How special and totally random finds! Very creative. My sister is a 9/9/91 baby, which means she had a 9/9/99 (however, she turned 8, not 9). I have no idea what we did for her, but I hope she felt special!

  4. Please inform your husband that he is likely to be hearing from my husband re: setting the bar too high! ;)

    (I'm glad your day was so special! You deserve it!! :)

  5. What a sweetheart! You can really tell he put a lot of thought into making it special.

  6. How wonderful! Should you ever get tired of your husband please pass him on :-). Loved the ideas!
    And you truly are a magical person! So of course you deserve a magical birthday xxx

  7. Awww how sweet!! Such a creative idea too! I'm glad you had a really special day on your birthday.

  8. Aw, very very sweet!! And obviously a happy & extremely belated birthday to you!

  9. That is the cutest thing ever. Really, it was so sweet I think I need some insulin... so adorable! :)

  10. omgosh that is the sweetest thing i've ever heard!! you lucky duck!! ;D

  11. omg!! this is the sweetest!!! look at your man, he definitely was worn out with all the magical things he did for the love of you!!

    belated happy birthday Amy!!huggies***

  12. Seriously the cutest thing ever!! What a very magical birthday. :)

  13. Good guy you got there, Amy. Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy belated birthday x 12! And by the way...I think your hubbs is a keeper:)

  15. What a cute idea. Your husband is so clever. Glad you got to have a magical day!

  16. What an awesome husband you have:)

  17. That is just so beautiful. What a lovely way to spend the day, being constantly reminded of how much you're loved. I also love the shot of your ballerina at the recital ball, so cute!

    12/12/13 has a very magical sound to it!

  18. Does your husband have a Pinterest Board to help inspire uninspired husbands like mine? Mine is sweet, but not this sweet! Grace is so cute!

  19. What a wonderful birthday surprise you had...and what a great husband you have! Looks like an amazing day!

  20. Aww. That was so thoughtful! Sounds like that hubby of yours is a real keeper! Happy belated birthday :)

  21. What. A. Guy! I think I should leave this post up on the mister's computer for him to find! You deserve all of that!

  22. Aawwwwww ...

    I think I'm in love! And a happy belated my friend!

    :) Linda

  23. I have tears in my eyes Amy....what a prince you have, to go through all that to make your day special. He sounds like a truly remarkable man. You are blessed my friend....but then again, HE is certainly blessed as well, because you're absolutely wonderful yourself! Hope your birthday was happy!

  24. Ok, my husband seriously needs to start taking notes! This is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen! I think the ninjas are my favourite (and happy belated birthday)!

  25. So you did have a special 12/12/12! What a great surprise for you. I love his notes.

  26. He did good.... very good for the 12-12-12 Princess. I birthed an 8-8-88 Prince, know any available princesses?


  27. Oh my heck! That has to be one of the sweetest, most thoughtful things I've ever seen!

    A keeper for sure!!

  28. This is so sweet - thanks for sharing! I might steal the idea and tweak it for my kids!

  29. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Martha. I couldn't agree more, I do have a great husband :)

  30. Amy...I have missed so much! This is the best!! Your guy is as special as you are....but then you knew that! How fun!!

  31. OMG Amy.. your husband is awesome.. two creative peas in a pod!! I don't think I've seen anything more special... he truly knows how to make you feel special. Happy belated birthday!!!

  32. What a guy! Way to make a girl feel special "Mr. While Wearing Heels"!


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