
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Go Manual - FLASH

Last week, we went over tungsten light.  This week, we'll learn how to use the flash while in a manual mode.

If the tungsten post went over your head, have no fears this one is really easy to understand and execute SO keep on reading.

There will be times when you'll need to use your flash.  Like when you are woken up at 5:30 am on Christmas morning to open presents.  There won't be much natural light, leaving your only option:  the flash.

If you are still in a manual mode, you'll have to prompt your camera to use the flash.  On my camera, there is a button that has a squiggly arrow above it.  Press it and your flash will be released.

Take a business card or cut down a white piece of card stock.  Tear the edge of the business card so that it will hook in front of your flash.  There will be little clips that your flash will hook into when it's not in use.  You'll be using these clips to secure your business card into place.

Then, take your picture. 

Instead of the light from the flash hitting your subject directly, washing them out, as is the case in the picture below. 

The light from the flash bounces off the business card and to the side of the business card, indirectly lighting your subject.

Get to know your camera and you'll be surprised the difference it can make. 


  1. WOW! What a difference that makes. I am REALLY going to need to find some time to work with my camera!

  2. Thanks so much for this tip! Congrats on your triple feature at Elizabeth & Co too.


  3. Business cards? Squiggly lines? Now you're talking my language.

    I am actually signed up for a photography class that starts next week. I'd rather go to Chicago to take yours in person but this will have to do for now ;)

  4. Brilliant, Amy. I've been struggling with this issue for so long, I'm embarrassed to say.

  5. that's awesome! I need to get a business card! LOL

  6. So jealous, I want a dslr, your photos are always so lovely

  7. Another wonderful tip! Off to put a business card in the camera bag!

  8. What a cool series! thanks so much dear Amy xxx

  9. maybe by the end of all your tutorials, i'll have a clue about photography! yes...i'm paying attention, no...i have not mastered it yet!

  10. Once I get a "real" camera, you are my go-to girl!

  11. Hi Amy,
    What a great tip! I'm with Danavee, will re-read all when I get a "real" camera, lol. Right now just working with the old Kodak easy share.
    I have a feeling you could know our socks off with a point and shoot though:) Thanks! di

  12. I'm loving these tips! Definitely going to have to give this one a try!

  13. Thank you Amy! I was trying to think how to do that the other day - and I just didn't have the time to go look up how to do it! And now you've helped me out again! Grace really needs a pair of leggings for valentines doesn't she? I've got some red and white ruffles I just got in - got some measurements for me?

  14. I am so clueless about my camera! Thanks for teaching me some stuff and maybe I'll learn to prefer my real camera to my cell phone camera!!

  15. Oh wow! What a brilliant idea!! I do use manual on my point & shoot but never do use the flash. I don't have anything to clip a card to but I'm going to give it a try by holding it. I really need to get myself an SLR asap! Pinning this tip too!

  16. Love that idea! I sewed a bunch of slip on diffusers out of an old white t-shirt but they kept slipping off and I lost them. I like this idea too and the effect is beautiful.


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