
Monday, August 26, 2013


I think the hardest part of being a parent is letting go.  No matter their age.

This was my experience last week, as I fought back tears and learned how to let go just a little bit.

This week, I sent Grace off into the world, at least for half a day. 

And, though she did go to pre-school last year, the thought of sending her off to kindergarten was very emotional for me. 

To feel less like we were sending Grace into the world alone, we decided to buy her a heart shaped locket.  A locket that contains a (very tiny) picture of me and of her daddy.

The hope, we explained to her, was that if she ever felt sad, lonely or upset, while at school, she could look at her locket and know that she is not alone. 

So, with her heart shaped locket on, off to kindergarten we walked, hand in hand.

When we arrived at the school, Grace quietly and bravely left my side and joined the other excited kindergarteners.

Though my heart was breaking, I was so proud of this sweet little girl of mine.

I waited outside the kindergarten window, until I saw her take her seat.  I could have stayed there all day but I knew she was ready so, I quietly and bravely walked home.

When I saw her at pick up, my heart was so full of love and appreciation for my brave girl.  We walked home and splashed in puddles.  She gushed about her day and I realized...

It's official, Grace is a kindergartener.

And, we both survived.


  1. Glad you both made it through the day with a smile at the end. She is just too cute, and I know she will have a great year!

  2. What a doll! Although we homeschool I still feel all these things each year we begin a new year....and I scream about mid-day because they are jumping off the walls ;)
    BTW-I make those signs each year too.
    Two more weeks and we begin.

  3. Glad she enjoyed going to school Looks like you have a little bit more project time now. ;)

    1. Thanks so much Erin. The only problem, at the moment, I feel too heart broken to work on anything new :)

  4. Good for you both!! My day's coming on Wednesday! Love the idea of the locket, very special.

  5. Glad you made it through. Love the picture of you two headed off to school! I'm sure each day will be easier for you...the locket is a wonderful idea! I think you need one too! :)

  6. Awww... so sad and so sweet! The time goes by so quickly. Treasure each moment!!


  7. aww thank you so much for this post! you can see the little girl coming out in her. I luv the pix thru the window. the locket is amazing. we gave cor one of his daddy's bracelets (you can adjust the size) that says family for the same reason. that is very special locket, i'm glad everyone had an ok and good day!

  8. Oh precious post, here in the UK children attend school all day when they are 4, so I have had a bit of time to get used to it ( I never stop worrying about them though!) My 3 year old will be starting half-days in 2 weeks and I know I will be very emotional when I see him in his little uniform.

    I love the locket idea, well done to you 2 brave girls.

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  9. such a sweet post! i hope you print this one and insert it in her keepsake box or scrapbook. tears flowed from my eyes while i read it. you are a wonderful Mommy Amy.

    1. Thank you so much Janiene. I do think that I'll print this post out for her.

  10. So sweet, Amy. I remember that day as well. Great job writing this post, I could feel the emotion and it put me right back to my days with the boys 1st day. :-)

  11. Beautiful just beautiful. I love the idea of the locket so much I am going to do that for Madeleine when the time comes. The pictures are just gorgeous, congratulations Mommy, you survived letting her go just a little xo

  12. I can barely think of sending her off to kindergarten, I can hardly think of sending her off to get married :)

  13. Cute picture of you two walking to school!!!

  14. Oh Amy... that locket is just such a beautiful idea. You are just the best at finding ways to make each step of Grace's journey very special. Love it!

  15. Amy, My daughter had a heart locket when she started kindergarten. That was 13 years ago. She started college a few weeks ago and i got us mother/daughter necklaces from etsy,and her necklace was a little heart. I love it!

    1. I love that you gave your college bound daughter a mother daughter necklace from etsy. I hope it's helped the both of you with your transition. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me.

  16. Oh, it's so hard letting go...even for a little while. Your locket was a brilliant idea. I sent Will off to kindergarten with pocket kisses that he could pull out anytime he needed one. Your kindergarten is only a half day? All of ours are full day here.

  17. Oh tear! This is too sweet and I absolutely love the locket idea. Sometimes I get pangs of anxiety about having to send my almost three year old to school in a couple years.. I hope I have your strength when that day comes :)

  18. I remember leaving my oldest at kindergarten - mixed emotions for sure! I didn't feel the teary moments much because I had a baby at home to care for and a year later I had another one on the way! But I do understand the feelings you went through!

  19. I think it's ok for mom to have a little locket of her own, for all the same reasons.

  20. Gosh what a sweet post! Love the first photo and all the things you listed as her favorite things to do as a 5 year old. I'd totally shed a tear or two when it comes to send my J to kindergarten 2 years from now. Just such a big kid milestone! Loove the locket idea!! So very sweet and reassuring for her. Have a great year at kindergarten dear!

  21. Oh man.... I know how you feel - though not EXACTLY - as we're not quite Kindergarteners 'round these parts.

    I think that the locket idea is such a nice one. It's so hard to send our chickadees out into the world. I feel like time has just flown. How did this time pass by so quickly?

    I love the front-porch pictures that you take of Grace. It's such a great tradition. She's obviously a very loved little girl. :)


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