
Friday, August 30, 2013

This is Me August Self Portrait Link Party

The optional self portrait theme for August was recreating a picture you love.

For me, I recreated a picture I loved of my Grandma cooking in the kitchen.

Last month, the theme was 'the great outdoors'.

Who wouldn't like spending some time in the great outdoors riding a swan or a flamingo?

Rea from Home 4 for Sweet Home

The best part of spending time outside, for me, is spending it with my family (especially Grace).  This picture from Janiene at A Bunch of Bishops captured such a sweet moment with her daughter.

And, the only thing better than spending time outside with family (while riding a swan) is spending time with family outside while on vacation!

Katherine at Kat's Almost Purrfect World
So, now it's your turn, come out from behind the camera and share your self portraits.
While Wearing Heels

Let's get this party are our linky rules:
  • There will be a link up here on the last Friday of every month this year, and the linky tool will remain open to your submissions until the last Friday of the next month.
  • Please link back to the permalink for your *This Is ME* blog post or flickr image, not just the general url for your blog or flickr stream.
  • Linked entries must be to a blog post or flickr image of your recent self-portraits, not just any old photo. Your photo does not have to relate to the optional monthly theme, but it does need to be a self-portrait.
  • Please do link back here to my blog either through a text link, or with my button found below to help encourage others to participate and grow our community.
  • And most importantly, be the encouragement you hope to receive and help build our self-portrait community! Please try to visit a few of the links of your fellow *This Is ME* participants and leave a nice comment--it only takes a few minutes and you may be inspired by what you see.
Well, that's get linking everyone! I'll see you back here on Friday, August 2nd, for our August theme announcement, but in the meantime, keep showing us your stuff in the flickr pool.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures of the great outdoors and I bet your grandma would have been thrilled that you recreated her picture, how lovely Amy xoxo Thanks for hosting :)


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