
Monday, September 16, 2013

Chicken Alfredo Pizza Recipe

Believe it or not, not everything I make is made out of felt...though, rarely do I share recipes here, I do cook and cook often at that.  I love good food, mostly made from recipes of other talented bloggers BUT today, I'll share with you my latest favorite dish.

Chicken Alfredo Pizza.  Yum.

To make this delicious meal, you'll need the following:  *pizza dough (recipe to follow) or pre-made pizza crust, alfredo sauce, spinach, grilled chicken, red and yellow cherry tomatoes and mozzarella cheese (not pictured).

To make your own pizza dough: 

Combine 4 cups of flour, 1/3 a cup of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt and 1 and 1/2 cups of warm water mixed with a tablespoon of yeast.  Mix ingredients well.  Cover your bowl with saran wrap and allow the dough time to rise.  I let mine sit for about 6-8 hours.  *You could make it a day in advance and store in the refrigerator.

To make Chicken Alfredo Pizza:

Roll out your pizza dough (should be enough to fit 2 large cookie sheets) or get your pre-made pizza crusts out.

Cover the dough evenly with Alfredo sauce.  Top with fresh spinach, diced grilled chicken, and both the red and yellow tomatoes.  I cut my tomatoes in half but you can opt to leave them whole.  Finally, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

Bake in a preheat oven at 375 degrees F for approximately 30 minutes.   

The best part of this meal, it tastes just as good the next day reheated!

Bon appetite. 


  1. Sounds delicious, Amy! Pinning this to try out soon.

  2. Yum! It's a great dinner and love that it has fresh veggies like tomatoes and spinach :).

  3. you know I love this, right? I am a pizza lover 1000%

  4. oh this looks yummy I will have to try it out definitely!!

  5. WOW that looks scrumptious!! I don't have all the ingredients to make tonight but I can improvise a bit... but next time I go grocery shopping definitely picking up everything! What's the minimum and maximum time to let the dough sit... may be too late for me to make the dough now but wondering is it possible to make it the night before to have it ready for the next day? Thanks for sharing Amy! I LOVE pizza!!

    1. Thanks so much Maysem. What's your favorite place to get your pizza from?

    2. Giordano's stuffed is definitely my fave! But a couple weeks ago a friend and I stumbled across a pizza place called Pizza Metro in Wicker Park. It was sooo good!!

  6. It looks delicious Amy. I love home made pizza, sadly I'm still without an oven at present and boy has cooking dinner been a challenge.

  7. Wow. It does look good. Might have to try this!

  8. Whoa! This looks really delicious Amy! You, my dear, have been holding out on us haven't you?? Have to try soon, I think the bf would love it.
    By the way, I did have a thought this pizza might be made of felt, haha!

  9. Now that looks completely yummy! I will definitely have to try it! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Mmmmmm. Nothing better than cold pizza the next day!!! Looks so good, I think we need more recipes!

  11. Looks wonderful Amy! Sam is the pizza maker around here, so I'm forwarding this to him!

  12. Pizza might just be my favorite food in all the world, and I'm mighty partial to alfredo too. Guess I better make it.

  13. Yum! My kids aren't so big on red sauce so I bet they'd love this! (P.S. I want to see the felt version ;)

  14. Mmmm I love Alfredo pizza! Our favorite one to get is a steak Alfredo from a local pizza place we have here but I've never made my own and it doesn't have spinach on it.. which I love too :) Great recipe Amy!

  15. This looks so delish! I've made something similar with puff pastry, hummus, shredded chicken, spinach, grape tomatoes and mozzarella.

    1. My goodness, Paula you are quite the gourmet. That sounds delicious.

    2. I can't take the credit. I found my inspiration here:

      Jenny makes delicious meals and outrageous desserts all suitable for families with picky eaters!

  16. Amy - I think that you should share more recipes, because you're obviously very talented in the kitchen. I'd love to see shots of you baking in your high heels. (I can't wear high heels in the kitchen... or really at all... because I'm often in the 6'1 range with heels on, and it makes the counter that much further away.

    This pizza looks heavenly and healthy! I love that you put spinach on it. Maybe I could sneak that past Mr. Suburble if he's distracted by the chicken and alfredo-y goodness!?!?


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