
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sleep Mask for Two

Meet Macy.

Macy is a stuffed monkey I designed and made, about 2 years ago.  She has sat nearly forgotten about, until recently.

Grace rediscovered Macy, this past weekend.

Grace then insisted that Macy needed a sleep mask.  Why?

Apparently no child or stuffed monkey is able to sleep without one.

To oblige Grace, I grabbed some felt, fold over elastic, embroidery thread and I made Macy a sleep mask.

Grace then decided that Macy needed to have jammies.


Though I do dabble when it comes to sewing, and though I did succeed in making a coat for Grace last year (the one and only article of clothing I have ever made).

That coat was made from a pattern...and believe it or not, the pattern was super easy.

What I did not have, in this situation, was a jammie pattern for a custom made monkey.

But, who was I to deny the request of a girl and her monkey.

 I took a tank top Grace had outgrown...

channeled my inner Sews N Bows and made Macy a custom nightgown.

As I was custom tailoring the nightgown, one of the discarded pieces of tank top, about to be thrown away, spoke to me and insisted it needed to be made into undies.  So, again, I obliged.

Macy used to be modest about her undies but with Grace proudly showing them off any chance she can, Macy was happy to model them for the blog.

Now Macy can sleep peacefully. 

The things we do for our kids...and their stuffed monkeys!


  1. Ummmmm . . . . . this is maybe the cutest post EVER! I love the sleep mask and jammies, but the pictures that you took were over the top with cuteness. I hope you start selling the monkey in your Etsy shop soon!! . . . . Complete with jammies and sleep mask!

    1. Thanks Lisa. You know, it's been a few years since I made a monkey, I might have to give it another go. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Seriously, can you be my mom?? I loved this when I saw it on FB and I love it now. (Plus, the undies are *killing* me!!) Nice job, friend :)

    1. Thanks Elena. Thankfully, she hasn't asked me to make her anything else!!!

  3. Okay, that just might be the cutest thing I've ever seen!


  4. So stinkin cute!! The jacket is amazing. Hope she can still fit it this year. :)

    1. I think she may have outgrown her jacket. BUT I'll be saving it for her.

  5. I think you can now claim the Mom of the Year award. This is just the cutest! I love the eye masks.

  6. Well that's just about the cutest thing ever. Nice job, Mama!

  7. how cute♥ especially that part when grace showed macy's undies!
    oh yeah, things that we do for our children & their playmates..

  8. LOL...Oh Amy, this is a fun post. I love it. And the undies are the best. ;-)

  9. omgosh! how fun!! I luv it all - sweet friend - you have so much talent - you NEED to put this stuff in your etsy shop! I would so buy the monkey and sleep mask for my great niece. I read an article where a momma started a business with her handmade foxes, that grew to include friends, clothes and accessories. seriously luv it!!

  10. Oh just love this post, you are the most obliging mummy! I really love your attention to detail with the underwear ;) Really cute pics, the sleep masks are adorable!

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  11. So cute! I love those matching sleep masks. Does Grace really use one every night? I think that I could use one. Can you make me one that looks like a wide-awake version of myself? I'd use it while I tried to catch a few Zzzzs on the playroom floor.

    And the undies are such a nice touch! We often overlook the importance of good undergarments on stuffies and dolls, don't we?

  12. The eyelashes on the mask are just too much cuteness!! I say if you can make a stuffed monkey and can make a coat, you can make anything!! Great job! Love the addition of the undies!

  13. How adorable Amy - but more than that I'm in awe of that coat you made - your first attempt???
    AMAZING !!

  14. you are right...the things we do for our children. I cannot sleep with a sleep mask, but obviously there are people that can.

  15. That is THE most adorable thing I've seen in a long time! I love the things you do for Grace! Fabulous! And you definitely need to make the whole thing and sell it in your shop! You are my 2nd favorite Mom! :)

  16. You deserved the shout out. Because of you, I knew it was possible to make clothes for dolls :)

  17. That is the cutest thing in the entire world. I now want a sleep mask and a monkey.

  18. Oh that's so cute, you made the monkey, how clever. Sewnbows Amy does make gorgeous doll clothes I think you've done her, grace and Macey proud. A very cute outfit

  19. LOL... so so cute Amy! Love it all! So creative with the jammies. :D And I love the name... that's the nickname my niece and nephew gave me. :P

  20. Oh.. Suraya is the same way with sleeping masks... she must wear one too!

  21. I just love this post! The pictures are brilliant, the one of the monkey asleep with it's own monkey is adorable but wait the monkey's monkey has no jammies!!
    Oops, may have started something there LOL

  22. Cutest post evah!! Oh my are the best mom!! Undies for a monkey....when Grace is a teenager and gets snippy with have the perfect response..."monkey undies"! Awesome!

  23. My mom would sew dresses and things for my dolls. 45 years later I still have them, and the red faux fur snap jacket she made for my favorite doll is in fashion.

  24. The pictures and the monkey and the sleep set and your daughter are all adorable! If the monkey ever needs a new home, she can come live with me. #justtoocute

    Oh and I love Hello Kitty!

  25. Oh my gosh... sooo incredibly cute!! Those undies are really the jammies icing on the cake. Adorable!!

  26. What a cute job you did!! Love the jams and the eye mask with the sleeping eyes.

  27. Awe! You're such a good mommy :) I bet Grace was thrilled with Macy's now sleep wear. I should make some clothes of my son's teddy bear.. He'd love it!

  28. Amy you're so talented! I love your ideas! and well yes some credit goes to grace and macy too :D

    1. Thank you so much Eva. Yes, Macy is getting quite the big head these days with her new clothes and all this blog attention :)

  29. Amy,
    How absolutely adorable. You have natural talent, an eye, for sewing. This is "sew" cute, haha. Sew more stuff, girl!

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