
Monday, September 9, 2013

Put your shoes on...the right foot

If the shoe fits, wear it.

And, hopefully, when you wear it, you wear it on the correct foot.

Of course, sometimes that's easier said than done. 

Especially if you are 5.

Sometimes, you need some help figuring out which shoe goes on which foot...especially when mom isn't around.

So, inside of these little shoes, an extra little reminder.  An arrow drawn in permanent marker inside of each shoe so when lined up they point to each other...

OR a heart shaped sticker cut in half inside of each shoe so when lined up next to each other, they make a whole heart.

And, now, hopefully the shoes will fit better...on the right foot.


  1. Such a brilliant idea!!!!! Where was this nine years ago :)

  2. I've been meaning to do this with Wynn's shoes. :) I love the sticker idea. :)

  3. Loooove the sticker heart idea!!!!

  4. I draw shaped and smiley faces in my girls shoes. haha I like the sticker idea. :)

  5. Clever, very clever. Shoes on wrong feet happen a lot in these parts

  6. I love the heart idea. :-) I miss those goes fast.

  7. haha good solution!!!! Of course, they always feel better when they're on the wrong foot, at least that's what I always hear.

  8. Brilliant!!!
    I would never have thought of that - with the way my memory is going I may have to do this for myself LMHO

  9. Love, love, love the heart shaped sticker. That one is getting pinned! :)

  10. my daughter has those same shoes from nordstroms :) i love this little reminder and help for your daughter, I will be pinning this!

  11. I love this idea!!!!!!!!!!!! The little niece and nephew might just benefit!!!

  12. awesome idea! I shall try it. Bring on the sharpies!!!

  13. luv this! never thot about that!!

  14. What a cool idea! It always made me wonder how my kids could stand having them on the wrong feet because I thought it felt awful. I guess little kids feet haven't developed enough for them to feel that yet? I love this little help for them :)

  15. This is such a great idea Amy. You are such a clever chick! Pinned it :)

  16. Oh so sweet! Way cuter than the safety pin I put on Will's shoe laces when he was little! Duh!

  17. I don't know how I missed this adorable post. That is brilliant idea! I'm out of that stage now with Suraya... but I definitely will keep this in mind.

  18. You smart, smart lady. So many times when I read your blog, I'm like, hey, why didn't I think of that! Great job. And good idea to share it too. I'm sure lots of moms will find this helpful:)

  19. You smart, smart lady. So many times when I read your blog, I'm like, hey, why didn't I think of that! Great job. And good idea to share it too. I'm sure lots of moms will find this helpful:)

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