
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Take a book, leave a book.

Have you heard of Little Free Library?

They are tiny lending libraries, built by the community.  The concept, you take a book, you leave a book. 

You can either build your own 'library' or buy a box through the Little Free Library.  Of course, the blogger in me would love to build one of my own.

My favorite, bringing a bit of the UK to my own community, a Little Free Library inside of a red telephone booth.  

And, fortunately, in our community, the Little Free Library is also stocked with children's books.

The book lover in me would love to to see what books were left and loaned.

The only problem.

Riley, the Gladys Cravitz of the neighborhood, would scare everyone away with her barking.

To find out more information, visit Little Free Library on Facebook. 

*I am NOT being compensated by the Little Free Library.  I just discovered it and believe in it and wanted to share.


  1. I've never head of this, and it's an amazing idea!!

  2. That is GREAT! Is there any other way to find out about other than FB. I don't do Facebook.
    Going to Google it now.
    We have books all over the place. Shelves, baskets, stacked on floors.....I gave up on my fairy tale look after we started homeschooling :)

  3. I love these!! My nephew was going to build one for his Eagle Scout project but I'm not sure if that ever happened.

    1. Oh, if he did, you'll have to share his library. I really want to make one.

    2. I'll have to ask my SIL. I'll let you know!

  4. That's a cute idea. I've never seen them before, but I would assume it would work best in a tight knit community. ;)

    1. I am sure there are people that may abuse the system of Free Little Library but I think for the most part people respect the idea of it.

  5. Wow, thanks for sharing. I've never seen this before and it looks like I'm not the only one. What a spectacular idea. Plus, I have a thing for old phone booths so that one in the phone booth is double wow!
    Thanks for letting us know about this, Amy:)

  6. What a great idea! Gladys Cravitz! HAAAAA!!


  7. I would LOVE one of these in my yard! I have seen a few in nearby neighborhoods - and our community center has one right out front! Such a great concept - and would be fun for kids to maintain and tell their friends to come check it out!

    1. I know! I am feeling more and more inclined to see what library options we could make and go for it!

  8. That is a really great idea especially for kids or the elderly who can't get out much. I love the phone booth, maybe the one own from us should become one, not sure anyone uses public phones these days

  9. Hi Amy,
    I had to chuckle at your post. I have been thinking of doing this all summer. I absolutely love the idea!! I saw a few in Hudson, Wisconsin.

    What holds me back is we live about 4 blocks from our WONDERFUL public library. What do you think? Are we too close to a public library to do this?

  10. never heard of this...but sounds really awesome

  11. Cool idea! I love the phone booth idea - and that would be the cutest thing for your yard - think of the fun photo shoots you could use it for!

  12. I LOVE this idea! I would make use of this like crazy. I wonder what it would take to make one in our neighbourhood?

  13. I have heard of this before. I didn't know they had a facebook page though! I'll check it out. Maybe when I move to town, I'll make one. Gladys Kravitz of the neighborhood...LMBO!!

  14. What a kind, nice idea!!!

  15. Ah ha ha ha ha..... Gladys Cravitz!

  16. Wow that's such a cool idea! I don't think we have anything like this in my neighborhood but I think it'd be really nice for people if we did. We do have a really good library system though and they sell off their old book for $0.25 and people love it.

  17. What a lovely idea, our town library is only a 5 minute walk so we are lucky there. But that would be perfect for people that didn't live closer.

    Have a great weekend, Estelle xx

  18. I love that pic of Riley! HA!

    And I LOVE this library idea too. I wonder if there are any around here.


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