
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

DIY Toilet Paper Roll Washi Crown

A few months ago, I asked if I could be evicted from blogging.  One of my many offenses that I worried might cause my eviction, never having used washi tape to make a craft.

Thanks to Craft and Creativity, I can now say I have (finally) created a fun and easy craft using washi tape.

You can find the detailed tutorial at Craft and Creativity, just grab the following supplies and head on over there.

This crown was so easy, Grace was able to do most of it herself.

Of course, when it came time to getting a picture of her wearing her new crown, she was uninterested.  So, I sought out the other princess in our house.

Suddenly, the having her picture taken in the crown became important to Grace.

And, then I spent all weekend trying to get her to take it off!

Toilet paper roll tiaras, the newest must have accessory.


  1. What a fun idea. I love how it can be so versatile between dogs and

  2. LOL. If not crafting with washi tape will get us evicted, then I guess I'm guilty too. I have used it in packaging but not actually craft with it. Hmm, I better hurry up and make something before I get evicted;) The crown is adorable... can't blame Grace for not wanting to take it off!

    1. I am sure whatever you made using washi tape would be brilliant and inspiring.

  3. Love this! I think it needs to be pinned. (And yes, I am still no-reply, so just think good thoughts about me and I will get the message telepathically ;)

    1. Thanks so much Elena. It's become a favorite here! As soon as we finish a roll of toilet paper Grace exclaims, we get to make another crown :)

  4. I've begun to hoard washi tape I love it so much. lol The crown reminds me of the one the queen of hearts wears in Alice in Wonderland. haha

    1. It totally does look like the size crown the queen of hearts wears. How funny!

  5. So cute. I still have not used washi I guess I should be evicted too. But maybe I should make myself a adorable! Love the pictures!

  6. I've never used washi tape either. I've never even seen it for sale here, but I do live in the boonies without a real craft store around. That is an adorable crown for an adorable girl... and puppy too.

  7. Look at that face!! She's so cute! (and looks like you!)

    I love this craft! I'll bet that my girls would adore this. Though I might have to shelve my OCD tendencies whilst letting them apply the washi tape.

    You're no longer at risk of being evicted from blogging. But wait... have you made your fall wreath yet? ;)

  8. How fun! You are definitely a seriously official blogger now that you have done a washi tape project! (As long as you have also done chalk board, tissue pom poms, ombre and a magnetic board or two!) Love the thrill that wearing the crown obviously gave the dog...and the boost it gave Grace to decide to have her pic made wearing it. Kids are so funny!

  9. I love this - you know me and my crush on crowns don't you? I wonder if my youngest would be into these for party hats for her 8th birthday. Can I steal your idea? I'll make sure to tell everyone it was your idea!

  10. This is so cute! If/when I make one for my little guy, I bet he'll wear it all weekend too :) Love it Amy!

  11. Oh Grace's "I don't want my picture taken" face is so darn cute!! And so is the crown. Confession: I've never used Washi tape. There I've said it, it's out of the closet. Now, I guess I better go get some:) Great job Amy :)

  12. Ok so I love the crown but this post has me worried, I now must be the last person o never have used washi tape! Amazing what happens when mother princess takes your crown LOL love the photos!

  13. Fab idea, looks adorable on both princesses :)

    Hugs, Estelle xx


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