
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Christmas Tour

Our halls and walls are decked with festive touches.

Grace helped me our tree, this year. 

It turned out to be the tallest tree we've ever had. 

The star, perched atop the tree, is scraping the ceiling.

Though the tree is the star of our holiday decorations, we have lots of lovely Christmas decorations throughout our house.

Most of our decorations are simple and understated.

For the first time ever, I changed up our built in shelves to showcase more Christmas decorations.

My two loves...a set of vintage deers, purchased by my parents on their honeymoon, and beautiful bottle brush trees, are the main attraction on the shelves.

Most of my pictures have been changed out to show Christmases of the past.

These pictures remind me of how many memories we create and cherish every year.

And how lucky we are to continue to make those memories this year.

My favorite picture, a picture of my dad, as a little boy, meeting Santa.

My favorite decorations, our front porch.

Bundles of birch, tied with twine decorate my stairs...

And, fill my flower boxes.

Evergreen branches also accent our porch.

And, fill our hanging baskets.

Sadly, since our house is over 100 years old, we have no outlets outside to string Christmas lights.  So, when I came across this battery operated Christmas tree, at Goodwill for $8, I quickly grabbed it and added it to our front porch.  Some lights is better than no lights.

Hanging by my front door, another Goodwill find.  A pair of ice skates.

And...each time I walk across our front porch, my heart is filled with JOY.

Now that we are all decorated...the only thing left to do is celebrate.


  1. it's GORGEOUS!!! I luv the birch bundles - its not a tree that is found down here easily - I have always been fascinated with it. all the little touches are awesome - I think that's what makes feel of Christmas. what kind of tree is that? i'm trying to find a fake tree like that (my guys are extremely allergic) but I don't know what they are called (most ours here are just pine trees). and those deer!! girl the sweetest - vintage is awesome!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle. Our tree is a Fraser Fur. They are beautiful. It is nearly 10 feet tall!

  2. Everything are beautiful!!! I love the JOY sign, where did you get that at? Or did you made it? :)

    Anne @ The Pink Momma

    1. Thanks Anne. I made the JOY sign last year. This year, my husband made a custom barn wood frame for it.

  3. Beautiful!
    Your front porch makes me full of JOY too. It is well done. I like the birch bundles and the natural look.

  4. nicely done for sure. Love the Christmas bokshelf and the porch. So inviting

  5. i love, love, love the simple decor! and i just might have to commission you to create an embroidery hoop reindeer family for me! if i don't make it by your spot again before christmas .... enjoy your holiday!x

  6. Love. Love. Love. My favorite is the vintage picture of your father meeting Santa. Precious. Thanks for Sharing....Happy Holidays!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, that picture is something I really treasure.

  7. Your tree is beautiful! I love the bust with the hat. And the puppy!

  8. Beautiful Amy, I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas and a fab new year!

    Take care,

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  9. Absolutely beautiful Amy!! You have such a classy and elegant touch... Simple with a big statement! Even though I loved every single detail, my favorite are the pictures. That is such a lovely way to preserve and celebrate the past while celebrating the present. Fabulous job!

  10. I love seeing your home decorated for Christmas! It looks wonderful! My only decorations are in the studio and on the front porch leading into the studio. :)

  11. And...they were free SO even better! Thanks Amy.

  12. Amy your house is beautiful, your dad with Santa what a fantastic treasure. I hope your holidays are as cheery as your home. Btw the head statue with the Santa hat made me laugh

  13. It's all beautiful Amy! I love that you have a picture of your dad meeting Santa as a young boy. Those birch bundles and the greenery baskets with the red ribbon are perfect in their simplicity. (Next year...I'll have porch and I want to remember those...better pin!) The last picture of the dog...priceless!!!

  14. I composed my comment from the beginning.... Nice lumberjack. But then I saw the pic of Riley, so I have to comment that I can read her mind.

  15. I love the battery operated Christmas tree! Our house is only 20+ years old and we don't have a plug outside so we never put up outside Christmas lights.


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