
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Cards of the Past

If you hadn't already noticed, I like to interject a bit of humor and levity in my life and my posts.

My Christmas cards are no exception.

The first year we sent out Christmas cards we went with the naughty and nice theme.

Ironically, it was easier to take pictures of naughty, with the bribe of a treat.  Nice was a bit of a challenge.

The next year, the pressure was on to try and top our naughty and nice card. 

We gave naughty the year off and went with some career humor:

Grace holding a letter written to Santa with a thought bubble that says:

'And if I don't get everything on my list, my lawyer will be in touch with your lawyer about a little legal issue we call breach of contract.'

Grace even had her lawyer {her daddy} on retainer just in case.

I thought it was funny but people were disappointed Riley didn't make the picture.  

So, back by popular demand, the next year included Grace and Riley.   This time, both models were bribed with treats...Santa's treats.  Grace happily ate Santa's cookies and Riley happily lapped up Santa's milk {a peanut butter filled cup}.

The next year, I couldn't think of anything witty so we went with a simple message about believing...

and made sure to include Riley.

Last year, we tried to bring the funny back

and left Riley out...

This year's cards are all mailed out.  They are arriving in mailboxes as you read this.  Is Riley is it?  Did we come up with a good theme?  You'll have to come back tomorrow and see for yourself.  


  1. I love that you started such a fun tradition early. Maybe someday your daughter will carry on the tradition.

    1. Thanks Erin. I had fun this year but with the lack of cards we got this year, maybe next year we'll take a break from sending out cads. Did you send out cards?

    2. I sent out cards to my favorite people I actually talk to regularly and then as a test I just sent cards to those that sent to me. I know that sounds aweful but I cards and stamps are to expensive to just get tossed.

    3. I know EXACTLY what you mean. We got a great deal on our cards but it's the cost of stamps that gets you.

  2. Cute cards. You are a very creative person.

  3. oh I cant wait!! and I luv all your years, they are wonderful.

  4. I love your cards, so so clever. The one of grace holding the believe is my favourite even though it wasn't funny

  5. Love your cards. I like the believe one best of all. And last year's was right behind it! :)

  6. I am so excited to see what you did for 2013. I love last year's!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. I loved every single one of those cards! I can't wait to see this years's!!

  8. You are so clever! I have to admit...I like seeing Riley on your blog, so I can imagine people missing him on their cards!

  9. YOU TEASE!!!! But I'll be back, can't wait to see.

  10. I love the photographs. Thank you for sharing them. Have a happy holiday.

  11. I LOVE THE WITH GRACIE & THE TREE ON TOP OF HER CAR. See how excited I am w/ the caps ;)?? So humorous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I love the look of satisfaction on her face while driving that car. Too funny!


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